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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yeah I think the rarity of seeing a 10% hatched tornado probability went to a lot of our heads and many threw caution to the wind. I certainly can't remember another comparable SPC forecast except maybe May '98. Excitement often overrides sober judgment.
  2. The bust may be more that there wasn't a single tornado reported when people were weenieing out and proclaiming the second coming of the Worcester tornado in the morning. There were certainly some solid storms. Wasn't there a macroburst in the Boston burbs? Anyway, in my hood it was just a bunch of milky clouds and filtered sun and that was about it. I also forgot about the LCL being high. I may not have been aware of that parameter back then, but it's certainly on my radar now. This board has been a great education for this weenie.
  3. 6/6/10 was one of the more painful severe busts I can remember. I suppose one is always wise to a be a bit skeptical when it comes to NE severe, but that particular day I was so enraptured by the shear and the SPC's bullish maps that I neglected the pitiful lapse rates. A learning experience for sure.
  4. lol this site is a hoot. Anyway, beautiful brisk morning headed towards 60 this afternoon. Enjoy!
  5. Centuries of extraordinary sustained human endeavor erased today. Imagine the kind of unity of purpose it takes to plan a project spanning centuries. Generations lived, labored and died without the satisfaction of seeing it even close to complete. How many hundreds of skilled craftsmen willingly gave their lives to build it? Is there any project comparable today? The LHC is probably the most ambitious I can think of and that was done in a few decades. Think of how many wars, rebellions, conflagrations and other close scrapes it survived. Truly a major loss to our common heritage.
  6. When the sun dies there will be no earth left either.
  7. Pretty nice light show this morning. I pity those poor runners up in Boston.
  8. This was riveting golf. The 12th seems to make or break so many in the last few years. So glad to see Tiger back on top.
  9. Slight risk not too far off.
  10. Almost sixty here, with the last of the rain moving out. Everything is greening up quickly. Lots of magnolias, daffodils, hyacinths etc. in bloom. Definitely feels springy.
  11. So who is the Nurse Ratched in this scenario?
  12. Oof. Glad I'm not running the marathon if it plays out like that. Maybe even worse than last year verbatim.
  13. We back door. Shorts sleeves away, flannels back to stay.
  14. Rewatched the WVIT coverage recently. That was quite a day.
  15. Awesome day. Might be time to get that first vicious sunburn out of the way. Don't want to blind anyone on the beach come June. My albedo could single handedly lop a few tenths off global temps.
  16. One of the most classic supercells I've seen in SNE on radar, trumped only by Brimfield 6/1/11. Interesting north to south motion too along the cold front. EML day with 70 dews and temps in the 90s. Just so rare.
  17. Aren't we still Ninoish? That generally does not bode well for shear and Atlantic cyclone formation.
  18. I could get used to this.
  19. A year without apple butter is like a year without sunshine.
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