Beautifully said. It's worth remembering what Ben Franklin said, that "politics is the art of the possible." Many of the northern delegates to the Continental Congresses found slavery revolting, but couldn't have brought the southern states into the revolution if they made emancipation a part of the deal. They needed unanimity to take on the greatest military power in history. Even some southerners recognized the basic hypocrisy of retaining that institution in the new republic. And the system of government they devised, codifying expressly for the first time in written form the rights of the people, was built intentionally to be difficult (but not impossible) to amend so as to prevent the creep of tyrannical power and radicalism. Is our country perfect? Certainly not. Nor is any country or system of government because men are not perfect. But ours is probably the best guarantor of individual liberty we've devised so far.