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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. A sparkling morning. Enjoy the break, folks.
  2. Relentless stretch. Very impressive.
  3. Looks like a nice high ratio rain too. Stack it up!
  4. Couple breaks in the cloud cover, but not enough to brighten the generally bleak appeal.
  5. Spring golf in VT certainly has its challenges. Playing at Middlebury's course in early May, it would often be so spongy that you'd hit a drive right down the middle and the ball would just plug upon landing. Didn't even leave a visible entry point, just plugged and sealed the entry point. Thankfully we were usually a few beers deep and didn't care enough to be pissed at having to take a drop.
  6. Would those qualify as lenticular?
  7. I installed a nice little parterre and reflecting pool. Am not sure where to build the follies. Thoughts?
  8. First mow of the season in the bag. Lawn looks great.
  9. Just saw Hurricane Michael got upgraded to cat 5. Someone wanna tell Cranky?
  10. Waking to this radar would've had me stoked a month and a half ago.
  11. Man, that stuff off NJ is gonna dump. Wet month.
  12. Heavy rain and thunder. Giddy up.
  13. This spring has been a decent balm on the fester that was this winter. Everything is just exploding down here. I expect full leaf out on most of my trees by the weekend.
  14. What you don't see is the Prius that's buried underneath a la Pompei.
  15. Hm, thinking my tennis match this evening is gonna be a no go, judging by the radar. Too bad.
  16. Gorgeous day. Without the strong south wind, I daresay it might even be considered "hot", at least until we acclimate a bit.
  17. So September 1938 pattern, right?
  18. For sure. About as good as one could ask for in April.
  19. Yeah give us a couple warm wet days and things are gonna go boom in the leaf department here.
  20. Apparently ice core samples suggest the sun was muuuch more active up until 10K years ago and extreme CMEs, the sort that would set us back decades, were relatively commonplace. We narrowly missed another Carrington event in 2012, if I recall rightly.
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