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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Day 2 slight risk for much of NE. Wiz' equivalent of the little purple pill.
  2. Absolutely spectacular day underway here. Upper 70s, full sun, light breeze. Perfect for weeding the garden. And thanks Tippy and Ineedsnow for the input re storm potential tomorrow.
  3. What are the chances of storms tomorrow? Seems like solid shear and some instability.
  4. Dewy here with sun breaking out. Missed the rain thankfully. Hoping to get some work done in the garden today.
  5. I wouldn't object to a little excitement. Your avatar cracks me up btw.
  6. Damaging "See Text" day incoming. Expect Reed Timmer to set up shop in KTOL.
  7. Can confirm Condition COC down here.
  8. Paging Wiz! Day 3 mod risk for the Plains Monday. Been a while since we've seen that.
  9. Congrats! I've seen more tanagers this week than in the preceding ten years. Also tons of yellowthroats, Cape May warblers, a couple blackburnians and the hummingbirds are back in force.
  10. I believe there were more telephone poles and miles of electrical cable downed in your area than the entire state suffered from Sandy.
  11. Beautiful day (for mid-April)!
  12. Yard will have more mushrooms than grass if this keeps up.
  13. Pattern looks pretty ripe in the Midwest this weekend into next week. Not too stoked for anything here though.
  14. You should fly out to the Plains this weekend. Looks like a favorable setup.
  15. He'll doom us with solstice snows.
  16. I have three hives in my yard that a neighbor maintains (in exchange I get damn good honey from time to time), so pollination is not an issue lol. This is apparently the result of a hive splitting, but my neighbor isn't at home to capture the swarm. The bees seem to have calmed down, but it's a big beard and I have no interest in pissing them off by mowing nearby. We'll wait and live to mow another day haha.
  17. Was going to get my third mow in today, but there's a hive of honey bees that decided to take up residence in one of my bushes and it's a bit hairy out there atm. Must be 30-40k of them bearded on it. That said, a gorgeous day. Maples are fully leafed out, bursts of color all over the place.
  18. Lol, this time last year Ryan started honking about an EML. Now we track cold rain and elevation cat paws. Gotta love spring in NE!
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