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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I'm still too traumatized by what followed over the next few months to really appreciate that event.
  2. Have you read his newest novel? It's called "Moby Dick." I hear it's receiving some critical acclaim.
  3. Using our patented JDF (James Deflation Factor), we anticipate NWS survey findings in the EF0-EF1 range.
  4. Severe jumps right over CT. Looks spot on to me.
  5. Shit, looks like lightning struck Choate's dining hall and set its roof on fire. Must've been scary for the summer students, but looks contained thankfully. I have a lot of happy memories in that building. Would be devastated to lose it.
  6. Impressive continuous thunder. That cell to my south is a beast.
  7. Alas, no. I had to head back to the mainland Saturday. I agree though. It's gonna be a soaker out there.
  8. Man, gonna be a lot of rain tonight. Things look to be lining up.
  9. This state will avail itself of any excuse to eff up a severe threat.
  10. Solid looking line. Liking my chances for a good show.
  11. He's just testing our appetite for his sequel to "Dawn Awakening."
  12. Things are hot and moist here. A little unstable, too. I like the signs. If we don't bang tonight I'm turning in my man card.
  13. Jimmy's rushing preparations to completion as we speak.
  14. Fantasy cane season will be here before you know it.
  15. Can we push those clouds down to the coast please? I'm helping a friend move out of a third floor, no a/c apartment today and I don't feel like dying just yet (although by this afternoon I'll secretly be praying for the cool, refreshing dark of the tomb).
  16. Maybe, but how deep does that warm water go? Any large storm will upwell cold water in front of it. A high end cat 3, low end 4 into SNE would require a truly extraordinary, if not perfect series of events.
  17. I don't believe New England has ever had a cat 4 strike. Maybe 1635. Maybe.
  18. Yeah, this is weak sauce compared to last year.
  19. Jesus, that is some nutty CAPE out there. I'm not sure I've seen values north of 7,000 before. Tack on the shear and EML enhanced lapse rates, no fooking wonder it's going gangbusters out there. Imagine if there had been a stronger trigger in place.
  20. Nuts. My brother's father in law once told me about getting caught on a logging road during a blowdown in the Adirondacks back in the '90s. Said it was the scariest experience of his life. Truck just buffeted with trees falling all around.
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