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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Sign me up. Ready to turn the page.
  2. That system out by Chicago looks pretty sweet.
  3. Is this the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?
  4. I'm watching CGs pass through a rainbow over your way right now. Pretty sweet.
  5. That was fun. Let's do that again Wednesday.
  6. Excitement overwhelmed all that Axe body spray?
  7. Jesus! That's like five in a row. WTF
  8. Man, instant flashbangs. Holy shit.
  9. Yeah it had some interesting scuddy features as it went overhead. Fun storm for sure.
  10. Man, SW CT shoreline getting smoked.
  11. Excellent lightning. Love big CAPE days.
  12. Excellent lightning to my northwest.
  13. Yeah, this is coming together nicely down here. Hearing thunder already.
  14. I can see that sucker from way down here.
  15. If so, I'll be saying, "abadee, abadee, that's all folks!"
  16. Was just looking at Wednesday. Lots of CAPE, decent hodos, SRH, LCLs, surface low in a decent position. Lapse rates are kinda meh, but what's new there?
  17. There's nothing better than sinking into a chair with an ice cold highball after a long day of activity out of doors. I tip my cap, sir. And my cup.
  18. Goes to Google. Searches "breeze banging." Toggles to images. Regrets instantly. Reevaluates life decisions.
  19. So suppression depression this year, Galveston 1900 repeat next year. Got it.
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