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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Seconded. Chilly NE wind with steady rain all day. Tried to do some surf casting this afternoon, but that was a wet misadventure.
  2. I'll check with my wife and get back to you.
  3. Yes, this may banish any last pretense of civic mindedness. From Sunday on I become purely solipsistic.
  4. You joke, but it is exactly that. Third floor, steep narrow stairs, crap ventilation. Thankfully the destination has an elevator, but it's still gonna be a nightmare worthy of Kafka.
  5. Blech, of course I let myself get roped into helping a friend move on Sunday.
  6. Looks great Steve. And yeah, coyotes are a menace. Most of the outdoor cats in my neighborhood have disappeared in the last few years. I was distressed last week to find a dead fawn in my shed that had one leg missing and another chewed up. I have no idea how it escaped its attackers, but glad it found a quiet place to expire.
  7. Yeah there's that saying that a weed is anything that grows where you don't want it to. That particularly flower (not sure what it is) just happens to like coming up in my lawn, but it does look nice in a shaded wooded area. I've been focusing on planting things that aid pollinators and hummingbirds recently. I've had a ton of ruby throats this year.
  8. Yeah, there were a few solid house shakers. I'm told there have been some false alarms recently. Apparently the new guidelines for renters have been causing some chagrin. One of my grandmother's friends over in Hay Harbor had Z&S install a bunch of alarms recently so she could rent the place out in August. They went off at 5 a.m. the other day, apparently because of the mist and she couldn't figure out how to turn them off. Her solution: pull them off the wall, and stuff them under pillows in the trunk of her car.
  9. Here it comes. A few very loud thunderclaps and the rain is pounding off the roof. Get some.
  10. We had a few rumbles from a fizzling cell on FI earlier. Watching some impressive towers blow up inland in Ct right now. Beautiful breeze and fairly comfortable in the shade. Hoping for a boomer later.
  11. Yeah I smoked a couple of them at the beach yesterday. And mosquitoes that could carry off a toddler at dusk.
  12. Dear God, please don't deport me back to Newark.
  13. 100% agree Steve. A little recurving home brew would be a welcome addition for the south facing beaches.
  14. This might be the nicest day of summer to date. Crystal clear air, comfortable temps, low dews, light breeze. Had an hour long swim in the sound and didn't even get chilly. Tough to beat.
  15. That 980s low skirting across Maine towards the end of the Euro run might make for some interesting weather. That's pretty deep for this time of year.
  16. Cool. My brother works at MIT and he harvested a whole bunch of morels on campus during the spring. I, however, don't trust my own ability to identify mushrooms properly and don't care to either accidentally end up tripping balls or feeding mushrooms myself.
  17. This is our spring training, if that makes any sense. Gotta stay limber.
  18. Bust. Just a little of this low ratio crap overnight. Roads are clear. Looks like TauntonBlizz kvetches his way to another jack. Congrats!
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