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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Very frequent lightning from those cells to my north towards Hartford.
  2. I’m still waiting for UI to get the power back from Isaias, so Lee doesn’t concern me.
  3. There is something special about tracking a cane. I think the most sleep deprived I've ever been was the week leading up to Sandy.
  4. All runs are entertainment at this range. We’ll start taking them more seriously when this thing is north of USVI.
  5. Good for those without waterfront property anyway.
  6. What's the return period for Atlantic Canada canes? Seems like they do better than down here for sure.
  7. Seems like a gradual trend towards lower heights in the GL the last several runs.
  8. Kinda makes sense? Deep enough in the alphabet that it tends to show up near the peak of the season when climo is most favorable for powerful storms.
  9. In the vein of "it's never aliens until it's aliens", it's never a NE landfall until it's an NE landfall. In the meantime, this is far more entertaining than
  10. This thing would make Henri look like Katrina coming from that angle.
  11. I feel like it's been either flooding or tornadoes like every week this summer!
  12. I had never seen this reel of 1938 hurricane damage before. Quite staggering.
  13. BUD/s training just a touch more tolerable at that temp. The water torture must be brutal for the winter classes.
  14. I don’t have a gauge out there, but it’s been plenty wet. Most of the rain seems to come in torrential downpours rather than sheer drizzle, which is fine by me. Golf courses are far less burned up than usual for this point in the summer, which is great aesthetically, but hurts my average drive length considerably.
  15. Well, that was a yawner. No sunrise surprise today.
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