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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Man, this may be the best day of summer so far. Just spectacular.
  2. Ain't nothing wrong with COC.
  3. Your friends against me...and the Revolution.
  4. This bores me. Is anyone up for a game of basketball?
  5. If you had to solve a simple equation like that to unlock your refrigerator, a surprisingly large percentage of the American populace would starve. Our obesity epidemic would be much improved at the least.
  6. Nah, Eek relieved himself next to the thermometer, so we toss.
  7. I've only seen one this summer. It's been great for my peace of mind when swimming, that's for sure. As a kid there were summers where the jellies were so thick one could barely hazard entering the water. We used to impale them with sticks on the shore and put them on rocks to bake.
  8. A nice little parting rainbow after a beautiful day.
  9. Not exactly COC, but a beautiful summer day with a nice breeze at any rate. We accept gratefully.
  10. Yellow jackets are arseholes. Just had my third unprovoked sting in a month. But they messed with the wrong guy. I found their nest. I borrowed my neighbor's bee suit. They'll be provoked this time, make no mistake.
  11. Seeing as I have a nest I need to destroy, this is both timely and highly useful. Many thanks!
  12. Man what a perfect morning. Nice and cool. Summer of yore continues.
  13. So cool temps and major cane strike coming soon. Got it.
  14. ATATT? For me anyway, this July was infinitely more enjoyable in the comfort department compared to last summer, if technically warmer on average. Dews were generally manageable besides a few torrid episodes. Now we get into the dog days and await big surf and the best ocean swimming of the year.
  15. And the storm collapsed. Not a drop. So parched.
  16. It's tantalizingly close to me. Probably two miles to my north it's dumping.
  17. Close but no cigar so far. Storms are training juuuust to my northwest. Not sure if they'll sneak in here, but someone's gonna pick up a boatload of rain.
  18. Didn't you guys get spanked in May '18?
  19. Yep. Looks like it misses us to the north, but beautiful clouds nonetheless. Maybe we pull something off later.
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