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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I would say most of the CT coast is pretty darn nice. Love the Guilford/Thimbles area too.
  2. Winter, yes. Summer/fall, no.
  3. 2017 springs to mind. Not that a repeat is in the offing.
  4. You have a beautiful family.
  5. Easier for the funnels to get to the ground. Greenland's a sneaky tornado hotspot I heard.
  6. Put it this way, hurricane Andrew hadn't even formed by this date in 1992. The Atlantic often gets off to a slow start. But it only takes one.
  7. You know daddy long legs can't even bite you right? They do have one of the more potent toxins in the animal kingdom apparently, but their mandible can't break human skin.
  8. The nice thing is that we're getting into that phase of summer when the sun doesn't feel nearly as hot on torch days. In June and July it just feels like the sun is hitting you over the head, but it's starting to lose that bite now. I really don't mind heat waves from late August on for that reason.
  9. Wow, had no idea it was a nice sunny COC day elsewhere. We've been socked in all day here. Dewy, but the temp is quite pleasant.
  10. That map in winter would send me straight to the Q bridge.
  11. Lawn getting a welcome drink this morning. Solid downpours the last few hours.
  12. Yeah just had a close strike here too.
  13. Congratulations! Let me know when your book hits the press. I'm always game for a good yarn.
  14. lol, whatever the season, he can b$%tch his way to a jack.
  15. I'm afraid I don't have a peer-reviewed source handy. I don't indulge in such Rapture cult classics as contrails, HAARP weather control and flatardation, so odds are wherever I came across the CME stuff probably merited at least the benefit of a doubt. Wanna say it came up as part of an interview with Sir Roger Penrose, but he's more a pure math/physics guy, so I could be off base.
  16. Re: humanity's rise during climate quiescence, apparently we're in a relatively quiet period as far as coronal mass ejections the last 10-15K years or so. I guess they somehow extrapolated from ice samples that Carrington event level CMEs (and even more powerful) were relatively common not that long ago. You want to talk about something that could impede human advancement, there you go. A lot of things had to go right to get us where we are now. A staggering number of things. And not much has to go wrong to send us right back where we came from.
  17. The really high impact storms tend to be few and far between, even on the Cape and islands. For much of the 19th and early 20th century, most people were probably not even aware that they were getting hit by the remnants of a tropical system. It had been such a long time since a major strike that people largely wrote off the threat of hurricanes by the 1930s. It will be interesting to find out how woefully unprepared we are and how badly underfunded our utilities' storm sinking funds are when the next cat 2 or 3 hits us squarely on the chin.
  18. We beach. And as you can see, we in SNE also have picnic tables
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