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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Man, imagine if that first round of storms hadn't stabilized things a bit. This is impressive to say the least.
  2. Nice change of pace from all the dews talk anyway.
  3. Noticed that a minute ago. Very cool to see.
  4. Yeah that puppy's ripping some trees up in the ADK wilderness.
  5. Yeah mid levels are still pretty warm I think. We'll see what happens when that drier air works in later.
  6. Will be interesting to see what that storm does when it enters the valley. Already has some broad rotation. Edit: Meh. Probably getting ahead of myself. LI is around -5, but still pretty stable at the mid levels. Will wait for that punch of drier air later this afternoon and then see what happens.
  7. Endless cloud debris. Sticky out, but doesn't scream potential to me.
  8. Eh, that early stuff out in NY may spoil this. We'll see.
  9. Finally getting some sun through milky clouds. We destabilize.
  10. Thank you! What was its name? Can't remember for the life of me. Also, imagine the collective terror if you could transplant a storm with that structure 400 miles west.
  11. I don't think it's anything too extraordinary. It's been riding along the Gulf Stream. Also, being caught up in the westerlies I think lessens effective shear. There was a hurricane that held cat 4 strength some years back in that area. Forget which one it was, but that was something to behold.
  12. Gonna be tough to realize high instability with all these low clouds hanging around.
  13. Lots of low clouds in the valley so far this morning. Still looks like breaks to the SW though. Definitely a Charmin kinda morning though.
  14. Agreed. Today has potential. This is how I like to run summer. Warm days with frequent thunder.
  15. Just gotta clear out these clouds. Doesn't look like it will be a problem.
  16. Let's go wild and get Jspin some measurable this weekend.
  17. Sign me up. Ready to turn the page.
  18. That system out by Chicago looks pretty sweet.
  19. Is this the 5 o'clock free crack giveaway?
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