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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yeah I'd certainly peg it at at least a mid-level 4. Maybe 135-140. Maybe higher.
  2. Bringing back Boxing Day PTSD.
  3. Would be some sweet wave action verbatim on the Euro. Grab the board and head out to RI.
  4. Euro just south of the benchmark at 192. Plenty of time to back it NW a bit and get some good snows west of the river. Rain for James.
  5. That's a mistake you only make once... and simultaneously learn the true meaning of Pink Floyd's lyric: "My hands felt just like two balloons."
  6. With the Gulf Stream enhancement? Get your yardstick.
  7. We can compensate with extreme rates.
  8. Lower sun angle by then bro. Take 'em up.
  9. I have several maples with orange in their crowns. Very early for that here.
  10. That was a Donna track displaced a bit east. Not buying it, but we watch all the same.
  11. Funny, most of my childhood memories were of being furious that Albany always got snow while we in SCT rained. Felt like every storm back then.
  12. Smells a little like Matthew, or maybe Irma, which kept correcting SW further and further before making the turn north.
  13. Thanks guys. Always interesting to hear about stuff that came before my time, whether canes, blizzards or anything else. Appreciate it.
  14. Belle's one of those canes I haven't heard much about. Was it a big deal or a typical dying system?
  15. They should just cut that model off at like 120 hours.
  16. Nah, then you risk a Christmas Story situation. And not with your tongue.
  17. I feel like it should be termed the Fraud Fifty. There's a lot of stuff that can go on that list.
  18. I have a hypothetical and I wonder if I can get some opinions. My great uncle lives in Sarasota just off the beach. His house is at best a few feet above sea level. If Dorian ends up plowing straight through central Florida and emerges into the Gulf around the Tampa area, Sarasota would have a strong onshore wind. Does anyone here believe it could be strong enough to pose a coastal flooding threat? I'm inclined to think this is a stretch, but I really don't know.
  19. Euro pulling a Matthew, but displaced about 100 miles west. Capital T trouble.
  20. Jeez, you'd find more cheer in a graveyard.
  21. Is that from last January? Sure feels familiar.
  22. Not if we nuke Dory first! Send in the B2s! Defend Mar-a-Lago to the last man!
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