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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. My god what a disaster the end of that run was. Like 8+" of rain softening up the ground before the wind takes it all down. Thank goodness it's just a fantasy. That's how James loses his Patriots season.
  2. Had real man rain for a few minutes this afternoon. Buckets.
  3. Four months? Do you have a Venezuelan power grid?
  4. Tor warning on Long Island. Impressive water spout off Fire Island earlier.
  5. How high off the ground was it? Your answer will make or break our winter.
  6. Yeah, Hazey catches a smack on that run. Note that GFS has been trending farther off shore the last few runs though.
  7. Best ocean swimming of the year the next few weeks.
  8. Lol, my earliest recollection of a tropical bust. I was twelve and remember everyone was talking about a hurricane coming. I was so excited, and subsequently so crushed, when Edouard fished.
  9. Solid tropical storm conditions on the Cape verbatim, along with like 6-8" of rain. ACK pushing hurricane force. Not buying it yet, but we should keep an eye on the extent of western ridging and the strength of that shortwave/trough orientation going forward. Perhaps we can get a bit of a PRE after all after last week's tease.
  10. Maybe a few boomers down here today?
  11. Man, those poor people have been getting raked. Brutal.
  12. Agreed. Gotta watch that and trough orientation, as Tippy mentioned earlier. Not expecting anything, but it's quite a spectacle regardless.
  13. Steve, awesome pics. Which storm caused the '07 surf?
  14. Fun for Nantucket verbatim. That low in the Great Lakes would make this potentially a little more interesting. No reason to get aroused yet though.
  15. Cape Cod permanently relocated to the Bay of Fundy.
  16. Yeah, I was speaking in the immediate timeframe. Up to 180 and 913mb at 11. Beast is bombing out. Incidentally, this thing has been remarkably free from ERC interruption. I know it's instant weenie tag material to suggest such a thing, but where does one find data to support annular structure? I just see the thick eye wall with little powerful outer banding, no secondary wind maxima, relatively little cirrus outflow compared to many storms of this intensity, no disruption at all while passing over water with lower heat content yesterday and axisymmetric appearance as interesting. No idea what else goes into that determination though.
  17. Jesus, 175 sustained, gusts over 200. And every indication that its not done strengthening yet.
  18. Yeah, that is one scary looking cane. Insane eye wall and no sign of stronger outer banding usurping it. I would be shitting a brick if I lived on the mid-coast of Florida too.
  19. Looks like NHC finally pulled the trigger.
  20. No indication of secondary wind maxima on the recon flights that I've seen. Just a smooth climb in windspeed right up to the eye wall. Fairly axisymmetric appearance with that perfect donut hole eye. Not going to invoke the "A word", but it certainly has some characteristics in common. That may be lending stability to the system. Irma was similar. Went a good day and half at high end cat 5 before undergoing ERC. Anyway, a freaking incredible system.
  21. We've flipped to ACATT. Didn't you get the memo?
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