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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Was in college then in VT. Deets on those systems?
  2. Last really long duration winter storm I can recall was in early Feb '15. Got about 2 feet over something like two or three days in Cambridge.
  3. Few are. Nothing like a real Manitoba Mauler.
  4. Didn't Feb '10 have like a 10-15" gradient from Staten to the top of Manhatten? That was really nuts.
  5. Lol, that's like my entire '18-'19 season right there. How we pray.
  6. Isn't there a pic of you from Feb '15 violently hacking at said driven snow?
  7. He's chasing a low topped squall line in Arkansas.
  8. Kinda like last year when he was MIA and we all thought he was dead.
  9. That's awesome, Mike, and every word of that description sounds spot on. The landscaping and au pair businesses never slow out there. The nanny drops off the kids for tennis lessons, golf, sailing etc. in the morning, then retires to a pool or hits the beach. They tend to be culled either from the NE boarding school ranks, or recruited from Germany or eastern Europe. I have on a few occasions stumbled upon the latter variety sunbathing nude on my beach. To quote Kramer, "yo yo ma!"
  10. I'm actually only a summer resident of FI, not that that invalidates your statement lol. I'm sure Stormsurge has woven a tapestry of obscenity with respect to winter rains which, as far as we know, is still floating in space over Fishers Island Sound. That said, being five miles from the water in KHVN isn't ideal either. We must often live vicariously through you countryfolk.
  11. The preferred nomenclature is "gentleman's gentleman," Scott. Or, specific to your inquiry, "first gentleman of the privy."
  12. Not holding out much hope down here unless we get stronger HP, but could definitely be a solid event inland.
  13. Lightning and thunder! Is it time to install?
  14. When Zeus descends Mt. Olympus to mingle with us mortal muthafukkas, you know winter is here.
  15. The Mets? Eh, they had a decent record in the NL East this year. I think they've earned the right to survive another season. Also, I always lube up for the Euro. Dry humping is reserved exclusively for the NOGAPS.
  16. I find it funny that anyone is biting their nails over GFS/GEFS. Beyond being generally poor, that model is historically downright abysmal with EC cyclogenesis.
  17. Yeah, at least in my area, any significant snow before Dec 15 is just a bonus. My average high is still mid/upper 40s in early December.
  18. Not true. We only Grinch at Christmas. We're on to a new decade for snow threats! Not sure the '20s can match the epicosity this one delivered, but we can hope!
  19. Dryslotted ATM. Good practice for winter.
  20. Cold, rain. Cold, rain. Cold, rain. Sounds like last December-early March. Thankfully it's only November. We can wait.
  21. I thought we were instantly and emphatically tossing every GFS run now.
  22. Having been up in northern NY this weekend flipped me into winter mode. Hours spent stalking grouse (without result) in 6" of pristine snow, near zero temps both mornings and intense snow squalls on the drive up Friday. It was like deep January in SNE. Spectacular.
  23. Yeah he had an EPIC meltdown in that one. As did that guy who moved to Westerly, whatever his name was. I felt for them, I really did. It was brutal.
  24. Wow, did not know that. Probably looked like that static subsidence hole in RI during March '13.
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