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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Are we on double secret probation? I hear there is a little known codicil in the American Weather Forums constitution which gives an admin unlimited power to preserve order in times of endless weenie droning about ridges and dews.
  2. Do you know if there's a way to manage your background colors? This stark white is burning a hole in my retinas.
  3. Yamahama, it's fright night in here. Eyes bleeding...
  4. Yeah, that we can predict like clockwork.
  5. Cooling down nicely now. Another beautiful day in the books.
  6. Oh, that's definitely the kind that bites you in the middle of the night.
  7. What a great day. I'll take this right through October, then we can flip the switch.
  8. They have been brutal recently. I swear they sense that the end is coming and just want to go out like a kamikaze or something.
  9. OT, but have you tried anything from Vitamin Sea Brewing in Weymouth? Heard they're putting out some awesome stuff.
  10. To borrow from Samuel Jackson, this morning air's some chilly shit.
  11. Incredible. Between Michael and Dorian, it's been an impressive year for stadium effect footage. May I ask where I can find the source of this video?
  12. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  13. That map really rubs it in lol. In all seriousness, it was the bane of my childhood growing up in the New Haven area. It seemed like every storm jacked Litchfield to Albany and east to Bradley, while we rotted under snizzle on the coastal plain. There's much I miss about living in the Boston area, but being on the receiving end of more Miller Bs tops the list for sure. Just so much easier to sneak a big event out that way.
  14. Was up in Manchester, VT area this weekend for a wedding. I thought it was rather remarkable just how much color showed up in the higher elevations between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. BTW, I'd forgotten what a beautiful area that is in general.
  15. Agreed. Last winter had a great early event and then it felt like it didn't snow again for three months.
  16. That eye wall footage is unbelievable. Just a banshee screaming whiteout.
  17. Yeah a surprise storm is virtually impossible. You're not gonna see 700 people get killed from a hurricane blowing in on an unassuming summer afternoon. The real surprise will be when we actually get a legit cat 2-3 landfall and not some rapidly disintegrating swirl with gusts to the sixties. Then all those people who have been conditioned to expect false alarms in New England will be unprepared and will suffer for it.
  18. Hermine? The one that sat south of LI and spun itself out? Or maybe the J storm in 2017, whatever its name was...
  19. There's a Kelvin wave crossing the MDR in the next couple weeks, which should also encourage development. Should be an interesting period for tracking at any rate. Beats endless talk of dews and changing leaves at any rate.
  20. A fairly healthy looking disturbance at that.
  21. Well that Euro run was interesting. Another day, another fantasy.
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