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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Oh for sure. I just lament being closer to downtown lol.
  2. God I hate living near the water. Until June that is.
  3. That ain't bad. Ryan made me think we were looking at a sloppy inch with a flip to zr.
  4. Tucky tucky like the "ladies" in Phuket.
  5. One could argue some of us already drank the Coolaid.
  6. Man, those were some tasty overnight runs. We coastal folks keep expectations tempered, but perhaps we can get thermals to tick down a touch over the next day or two.
  7. So just how bad are FV3 thermals? Are they as bad as the last couple winters?
  8. I'm not concerning myself at this juncture; I was just bummed to see the south trend stop. Was hoping for a little more wiggle room.
  9. GFS has and likely always will suck for nor'easters. Tossed.
  10. Could we pull a March '17 type move? Just keep pumping heights at game time until the low crosses SNE?
  11. Oof. Yeah, head to the Q bridge for that one.
  12. Ouch, we had a couple like that in March '18. Man, those do hurt.
  13. Thanks, Steve. Amazed a storm of that magnitude eludes my memory, but then again, I was in college and probably cramming for finals.
  14. Jesus, what a crusher. Surprised I don't remember that one.
  15. Was in college then in VT. Deets on those systems?
  16. Last really long duration winter storm I can recall was in early Feb '15. Got about 2 feet over something like two or three days in Cambridge.
  17. Few are. Nothing like a real Manitoba Mauler.
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