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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Nice. I loved Congress and Melcher, haven't tried the others yet. Enjoy!
  2. Lol, plenty of those in recent years.
  3. Nice. What'd you pick up? I'm gonna have my brother make a Trillium/Tree House run before he comes down for Xmas.
  4. I've had grass for three days. You hill folk live a privileged life.
  5. Ha, I used to work over at 60 State and would do the same thing with various landmarks around Logan.
  6. Can this count for our Grinch storm please?
  7. Sign me up for this look any day.
  8. There should be a forum wide rule at the very least that you can't bitch about the pattern within X days of receiving a foot of snow. Automatic weenie tag or something.
  9. I wonder what they would've measured in 1888 using that approach.
  10. I'm actually kind of amazed no one out near Albany put up 30"+. Thought for sure someone had a 3 foot tally out there.
  11. Man, what a beast up there. Congrats everyone. Hell of a way to kick off winter.
  12. Nope, sorry. I only bother to measure if we're looking at 6+ lol.
  13. Yes, clobbered the Berkshires up into VT.
  14. Let's get our Grinch storm out of the way early. Reload and get a white Christmas.
  15. Eyeballing maybe 2.5-3". At the very least it has a wintry appeal out there, which is all I need at this point in the season. Congrats everyone who cleaned up!
  16. Reminds me of March '13 in that area. Blue Hills picked up 30", while some in RI got virtually nothing. Just brutal.
  17. Yeah, just looking upstream at the Boston radar, it seems like the whole thing is getting more robust, with the exception of that exhaust near the CF.
  18. Yeah, definitely looking healthier again.
  19. That was one of my favorite storms ever. Partied like it's 1717. That was my max depth in '15.
  20. Man, that area southwest of Albany must be putting up some redonculous numbers.
  21. Finally getting the goods. Heavy snow/wind. God I've missed this.
  22. I seriously don't know why I'm still paying attention to this. Masochist I guess.
  23. I was more pissed that you said my snow was going to wash away, but as usual the forecast was spot on. Nice job handling this. Not a lay up.
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