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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. 2011-12 was at least mercifully obliging in that regard. 70s and low 80s in early March, replete with budding trees and girls in sun dresses on the Common, really did much to dispel the macabre sensibility of that winter.
  2. Oh right. Forgot we're still a ways out here.
  3. That would double my season to date. It is exciting.
  4. Pity we don't have a solid high to work with. I'd sleep a lot easier.
  5. I'd probably chase for something like that. Hurricane force wind, insane rates, etc. It had a sting jet, didn't it?
  6. Hey, I doubled from 0.4" to 0.8". That's yuge!
  7. It is what it is. I average <30" down here, so most seasons blow. We tend not to get lucky breaks in a mediocre pattern, and certainly not in a hostile one. Them's the breaks on the southern coast.
  8. Fair enough, but hardly consoling lol.
  9. Happy new year, muthafukkas! It's been a pleasure indulging in this obsession with you all; thanks for sharing your extraordinary wisdom. Although my posts seldom reflect the fact, I have learned a great deal from you fine folks, fellow amateurs and pros alike, this past decade. Here's to a new year and a clean scorecard. May regression never come!
  10. It's like a carbon copy of last winter. Gradient all the way.
  11. Man, I gotta move to the Tugjob Plateau for a couple winters. That's just sick.
  12. Modoki may become part of my personal Fraud Five if this winter ends up like last year.
  13. Man, this is just epic drizzle. I'm going full on Andy Dufrain down here. Sorry you guys are missing out.
  14. Liquid snow falling. Bad ratios. Not stacking efficiently.
  15. Can we please just pull off something like this once? Just once.
  16. Yup. No hair pulling on this one. We know what we're in for.
  17. Speaking of bombs going off, drove through the Hamden tornado damage path today. Man, between the tornado and the microburst, some very impressive swathes of damage.
  18. We meh. Gradient winter again, just displaced a little further south this year.
  19. Meh down here unless cold press really performs. Chance of ice ice baby.
  20. Good news is above normal can still work for us in January...as long as it isn't a blowtorch.
  21. I don't think I've ever seen a fantasy storm that deep outside of hurricane season.
  22. Wait, wtf? Is that a legit output? And here I was trying not to look at porn on Jesus' birthday...
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