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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Man, radar hallucinations and whatnot, but sure looks like the Cape is gonna get it good.
  2. Grass whitening. Roads not too bad. Light snow continues.
  3. Pats are done, so power outages aren't a concern anymore.
  4. Hope springs eternal. Good luck out your way, Steve.
  5. Good lucky, Jimmy. Hope you stack it to your knickers.
  6. You'll be delighted to know that recent updates of the Euro made it both non-hydrostatic and included the governing dynamics of binary dead stars. It even incorporates a superposition of possible states, so that even if the star doesn't exist, the model will correct for that flat space-time. They're really on the ball over there.
  7. The Graupler maybe? But he'll just be pissed it's not cold rain.
  8. Bring it. If I'm going to have bare ground, give me some nice warm temps on the nape.
  9. I really can't believe we're actually behind last winter heading into mid January.
  10. Getting flashbacks to last winter, when 1/20 was supposed to be the turning point as well. We'll see.
  11. And that is what makes this hobby so damn frustrating sometimes lol. Always a turd in a punchbowl somewhere.
  12. Yeah, the bar has been set pretty low so far. Hoping we can sneak an inch.
  13. Same. Actually feels like winter for a few hours.
  14. I'm starting to wonder if I can fall short of last winter through month end. On its face it would seem a near impossible task, and yet this month feels like it wants to find a way.
  15. Who needs the GFS for that? I can just look out the window.
  16. https://www.wired.com/story/norwegian-air-transatlantic-speed-record/
  17. Born in '84. The only snow memory I have from that decade was a Thanksgiving dump...thinking '88 or '89? That and the Hamden tornado are the only weather memories I have from those formative years. Vague memories of Dec '91 and then March '93 was the first time my weather memory became crystal clear.
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