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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Preach it. Just want to cover the grass once this winter.
  2. That was a nutty year for wild natural phenomena. Great winter, June 1 severe, record July heat, wet August, Irene, Octobomb etc. And elsewhere there was record tornadoes, April 27 outbreak, Joplin disaster, historic Japan tsunami. Just a wild year all around.
  3. Modoki enters my fraud five if that ends up being the case.
  4. Lol a couple inches would increase my seasonal total by like 40%. We take every flake at this point.
  5. My daffodils are popping up and I saw some snow drops blooming the other day. Wacky for sure. I would be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy that 68 degree day last weekend, but I want some freaking snow!
  6. This looks like more meh down here. Can't buy a decent snow event.
  7. My goodness, what an epic day. Near 70 with sun and a nice breeze. Windows are open for the time being. Men in suits everywhere.
  8. That's a mighty fine wood pile you've got there.
  9. Happy anniversary of an all-time fave snow storm.
  10. Agreed. Near 100" in 3 weeks is just beyond anything imaginable.
  11. In your back yard maybe. Sitting at 6" on the season, +- an inch. Praying for a big February.
  12. Oh, I got booted by MIT security a few times from that pile. It really was spectacular. There was another pile on Binney St near the Kendall Square Cinema that had two mature maple trees buried up to their crowns. I have pictures somewhere. I'll have to dig them up.
  13. Make the MIT snow pile great again!
  14. You're doing an admirable job picking up the slack in the humor dept. in Zeus' absence. We salute you.
  15. Was this from that epic LE event in fall 2014 in the Buffalo area?
  16. Couple times as a teenager. You can probably guess how that went lol. I mean, the guy made the Olympic team at 15. He was an absolutely unique freak of nature.
  17. Also, some impressive weenie fodder in the long range modeling today. Let's go.
  18. Ha, my friend stuffed him in a locker at a meet when we were twelve. Phelps was a cocky little shite (for good reason).
  19. Beers, brats, babes, badminton. Let's go!
  20. As someone who gets annoyed when storm chasers pollute their footage with lots of high-pitched hollering and appeals to deities, I appreciate your letting the image do the talking. Also, wow. I believe this qualifies as "puking" snow.
  21. I'll take some 60s, merci beaucoup.
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