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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Just to piss off Ray, imagine if this was snow?
  2. Sweet jebus what a monster. Mitch would rise like Lazarus if that worked out. Need to pin that high in a better spot though.
  3. Absolutely pouring. Wind whistling. Nasty day.
  4. I had snow drops a couple weeks ago when it hit 70. Never seen that before.
  5. So can this thread do double duty with Wuhan virus hysteria when the time comes? Because at least that is looking pretty bullish in the modeling.
  6. lol, please tell me NWS has a color coded warning for this. "The National Weather Service in Miami has issued an Iguana Warning for South Florida..." Or the P/C: "Tonight, clear and cold. Low 35-40, with a 40% chance of falling iguanas. Road conditions may become treacherous."
  7. Is that SkiMRG? Last post of his I remember was him sledding in two feet of fresh pow after October '11.
  8. I've been feeling a Monadnock region jack on this.
  9. If you read it in a Christopher Walkin voice it suddenly makes sense.
  10. We let James out of jail in March '18.
  11. That's what 10 years of reckless interest rate policy and quantitative easing will get you. Starting to price a lot of people out. There will be another reckoning at some point in the next couple years, both in the real estate and the equity/bond markets. Anyway, so as to not entirely derail this thread, SNE still needs work for next weekend, but I'm liking the u-wind anomalies for slow movement. That east flow looks delicious for the usual favored areas. I'm betting Monadnock gets crushed. If we can get the high to press a bit more, we might be able to sneak in a decent event down this way, but certainly not holding my breath.
  12. lol, slant sticking that .1" for the top spot.
  13. That was some dense snow, especially where the plow pushed it up on the sidewalk. I'm calling that my workout for the day, so I can watch football (sadly without the Pats) and crush IPAs and nachos guilt free.
  14. If that means a week of 80s in mid March, sign me up.
  15. 3" of sand. At least the grass is covered and it feels like winter. My season total grows by 50%.
  16. Glad to have everything white again in the heart of winter.
  17. Ha, always a silver lining. But then again I don't enjoy March snow as much because it always melts quickly.
  18. Yes, the literal Old Testament BECS passage reads thus: "And the Lord was very roth with the doubters who cried "torch", yea, and in his righteous vengeance he sent unto His people the Mauler, as told in the Scriptures. And Manitoba did birth the beast, and the Gulf Stream did forge its hoary heart, and lo, the clouds did burst over New England, and the wind did scream, and the knickers were buried, and the waters did crash upon the shore, and when the dawn awakened all unrepentant doubters were smited, in God's mercy, yea. And from the chosen faithful of Harwich and Moosup and Wilmington and Tolland Massif there arose a glorious cry, and there was much rejoicing." Here endeth the lesson.
  19. Amazing echoes of last winter. Another dud December/Jan, same fake out by the modeling for an epic pattern in the back half of January. Modoki goes in the fraud five if this season winds up where '19 did.
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