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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Well that is interesting. Thanks for digging that up, Steve. I can honestly say I've never noticed them prior to late March/early April. As I mentioned, our first sighting is our cue that it's time go out to Fishers and do our post-winter cleanup. Pick up fallen branches, see if mice have gotten into the house, see if storms left any sand on our beach etc.
  2. Walking in Hamden this afternoon. Half dozen or so of them up in a maple. I've never seen them this early.
  3. The red-wing blackbirds are back. I can't believe it. Never seen them here this early. Usually when they show in April it's our signal to open up the summer house.
  4. The disparity in recollection is hilarious here. Kevin v. Ryan in his own mind: Kevin per Ray:
  5. March '18 had that -PNA, -NAO combo if I recall rightly. Cold air was a little hard to come by, but it certainly worked out for plenty of folks here.
  6. In a parallel universe water freezes at 100 degrees. Epic snows year round.
  7. Yeah, this winter is worse than '11-'12 for me, but panic and dismay have passed on to numb acceptance and the eager anticipation of spring. Anyway, since we're in a panic thread, I'd like to make a suggestion regarding COVID-19 for anyone who takes critical medication manufactured in China (or via a manufacturer who sources chemicals from China). I'd recommend looking into getting an extra prescription now, as supply disruptions may well be in the offing. These Chinese lockdowns show no sign of abating and there is little likelihood of China getting control over coronavirus and returning to work in the coming month or two. You might also consider gradually stocking up on extra essentials, canned food, rice etc., as social isolation may well be coming to the U.S. in the coming months. The military has already initiated their pandemic plan and if the data concerning the bug's virality are close to correct, there is little chance of preventing this from spreading globally.
  8. Wasn't there a freak winter tornado somewhere in Mass a few years back?
  9. Thanks. Beast of a system.
  10. Hey Steve, you're generally on top of these things. Any idea what that beast up near Iceland got down to?
  11. Awesome dude. I'm sure it'll be a great trip.
  12. One of my favorite cities. I adore Edinburgh.
  13. Well, at least I won't have to refer to the drought monitor this spring. More rain.
  14. I like him. Some years back he would do webcasts from the NECN studio during storms aimed at the weather geek community. Not sure if he still does.
  15. Don't look at them. Keep your eyes shut!
  16. Forsythia already blooming down here. That's insanely early.
  17. What's up with the holes southwest of Manchester NH and south of Hartford? I hope that's just an artifact of bad data. I would've gone full Chernobyl were I in Meriden with a foot while towns to my immediate southwest were putting up 3 feet.
  18. I would welcome an epic torch at this point. The siren song of beaches, babes and ice cold brews grows stronger by the day.
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