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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Absolutely torrential rain in this little cell.
  2. Totally calm here. Kind of a dud event. Fun for about an hour, but otherwise meh.
  3. This is definitely getting more interesting. Wind really starting to asset itself the last half hour.
  4. Total snoozer down here. Maybe the odd gust to 30 here and there.
  5. Starting the hear the wind now. Pouring all morning. Will be an interesting afternoon for sure.
  6. Pouring. This will certainly not help trees hold against the wind later.
  7. Nice. Looks like that's from the 27th. I just found one from landfall. Still hilarious to see hurricane warnings next to winter storms watches lol.
  8. I bet Sandy had some wind warnings clear to Wisconsin
  9. Tell you what, watching Easter service via zoom with the minister and organist both wearing masks really drives home what a extraordinary time this is.
  10. Yeah, that's the one. Deep low up through the HV. Cape got smoked, Stowe got flattened. I had no power for two days. Ray said it was forgettable.
  11. Does this share any commonality with that big October wind event a few years back? That was the last time I lost power from wind. Although if I remember that one featured a quasi tropical mesolow that smoked the Cape.
  12. That's about 80% of my seasonal total. Cherish it.
  13. That's pretty early for these parts. Don't normally see severe watches until close to May.
  14. That's an awesome map, Steve. Spot on for my area. I was trying to break 10" on the season and sure enough, the line is just to my north.
  15. We had the same tease in Jan '19. Everything on the modeling looked awesome, Ray was crowing about how his seasonal forecast looked spot on, and then poof.
  16. Brother outside Worcester reports lightning hit a tree in his yard. Best outbreak of the year probably lol.
  17. Ripcord brings back memories. First double I ever did as a kid.
  18. And we rain. That'll do it for this winter in all likelihood.
  19. Nice fatties coming down. Grass whitening a bit, but mainly wet.
  20. In and out bursts of snow. Not sticking.
  21. lol classic valley hole right over my head.
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