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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. My bro has been raving about Burlington Brewing stuff he's been finding in the Worcester area recently. You ever try their brews, Kev? Also, no problems with burnt lawns down here. Rain off and on the last few days.
  2. Given the way 2020 has gone so far, '38 redux is my baseline case at this point.
  3. Pouring all afternoon.
  4. Man, what a change. I'm out at Fishers Island. This morning it was calm and misty with occasional breaks of sun. About an hour ago the rain came in, the wind whipped around to the northeast and the whitecaps came up. Nasty afternoon.
  5. Feels great out today. Hoping for a dying t-shower later.
  6. Was going to go out to the island for Memorial Day, but not happening if the remnants of that shite are going to be drifting around. Blech.
  7. That's my move. Everyone knows I stop short.
  8. Looks like the meso is on the ground. Where's Wiz!?
  9. I cannot believe I'm seeing snow mid-afternoon on May 9, with the sun out. This is surreal against a backdrop of tropical green grass, flowers and leafed out trees. Not even mangled flakes. Almost fluffy.
  10. Amazing that that is also New England. Here it's near full leaf out and there it's still deep winter.
  11. Nice pics! I saw my first grosbeak in years the other day, as well as a blackburnian warbler. I also have a flock of wild parakeets in the neighborhood. It's always a hoot to see a dozen bright green tropical birds squawking in a white pine.
  12. Tossed. It doesn't snow here in winter. No way it will in May.
  13. Man, where has this video been hiding? This has to be one of the best tornadoes I've seen.
  14. Let's get some. Best storm of the season inbound?
  15. If I get my biggest event of the season in mid April I'm gonna freak.
  16. As far as Aprils go, this one has been pretty nice down here. No mud, everything greening up. Flowers, mowers, just waiting on the sun dresses at this point.
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