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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. No question about it. We owed France a great deal, but it took American victory at Saratoga before France was willing to fully commit to our cause.
  2. A beautiful morning as we reflect on a momentous anniversary in world history. It's amazing to think that thirteen little colonies had the nerve to break with the greatest super power of the age, that the men tasked with the job had the stones to sign the Declaration knowing full well they could be drawn and quartered for it. To then take on that country's military with a ragtag band of patriot farmers, suffering unconscionable privation and years of setbacks and reversals of fortune, only to emerge the shocking victors, is miraculous. Not content to rest on their laurels and savor the fruits of victory, the Founders soon thereafter recognized the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation, and came together to birth the remarkable document that underpins and vouchsafes our republic to this very day, guaranteeing the rule of law over the arbitrary power of fickle men, codifying the rights of the individual and expressly denying powers to government for the first time in history. George Washington, setting the precedent for all executives to follow, voluntarily gave up power to return to private life after his second term, an unimaginable act in those days, underscoring his deep belief in the need for civic virtue in the new republic. Omnia reliquit servare republicam. The Society of the Cincinnati, founded by Washington's officers, and carried on today by a small band of direct descendants, seeks to preserve and sustain the spirit of fellowship and principles of the Revolution, defend those rights dearly won, and preserve the continuing union of the states. To that end, I would remind you all this morning that, whatever political banner you may wave, we are all part of a unique fellowship. I would stand shoulder to shoulder with any of you against those who would seek to deprive us of our way of life. It took but two centuries to rise from nothing to the greatest power in world history. Now, as ever, in good times and especially in bad, we must remember the sacrifice of our forebears and the principles for which they were willing to give their life. God save the American States!
  3. Pouring with distant rumbles.
  4. That does happen in the winter. But then it's also just an inch.
  5. Soaking downpour a few minutes ago. Back to full sun now. Let's get some bangers later!
  6. Yes, this is a huge relief. The garden and trees are going to be so happy.
  7. Barely a drop. Not good. Trees looking real stressed. Hydrangeas gave up on blooming. Need a real soaking or mowing season is over early.
  8. That hole is a treasure. Between the ocean and the pit, it's also claimed more balls than all the others combined. Course looks to be in good shape. Not nearly as burnt out as I would've guessed given the dry conditions recently.
  9. I hope I never have to live through another summer as humid at '18 was. It was revolting. My walls were sweating on a regular basis, I had mold trying to grow on furniture, I even had glue from antique furniture liquefy and create structural issues. Truly as bad a warm season as they come.
  10. Some gorgeous towers on those storms in Willimantic. Watching jealously from my office in New Haven. Send rain please!
  11. Really hoping we can pull off a stray thunderstorm in the next couple days. Poor lawn is a dried out. On the plus side, don't have to mow.
  12. I think the Saharan dust plume is more interesting at the moment. What a beast.
  13. We need some decent rain. My grass is going into hibernation mode. It's a dust bowl around here.
  14. Gorgeous cool night. CT lucked out this week. Just a beautiful stretch.
  15. Gorgeous day. It has been a great stretch. Ground is bone dry, however.
  16. Has anyone done a wellness check on Vim Toot? We all thought Tippy had kicked the bucket after he went dark for weeks last year too.
  17. Yeah, it was only for a minute, but a couple soft marbles bounced off the roof. Pretty sweet! Storm popped out of nowhere.
  18. Lol, nice mix Haven't tried the Double Citra, but Hooker's "No Filter" is pretty tasty.
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