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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. July '11 is the last heatwave I really remember as being brutal.
  2. A MAJOR SWASS OUTBREAK IS FORECAST FOR TODAY/TONIGHT The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, in conjunction with its partners at the National Weather Service and the National Strategic TP Reserve, have issued a HIGH RISK for swamp ass this afternoon and evening. This is a Particularly Dangerous Situation. Soaring temperatures and humidity, combined with ongoing toilet paper shortages, will result in dangerous conditions from the gluteus medius to the maximus as well as a high likelihood of life threatening acid rain and flooding of the perinial gorge and taint plain. Damaging heat bursts may originate from the high risk area as well. The NSTPR has petitioned the White House to release precious reserves, but no action is forthcoming at this juncture. Spotter activation is requested in the hatched region.
  3. This might be the pick of the summer. Just spectacular out. Enjoy!
  4. Flawless morning on the island. Sunny with a light breeze and temp in the 50s. Beautiful.
  5. It was looking promising earlier, but we fizzle as usual.
  6. Fox Chapel is a beautiful suburb. If you like golf, Pittsburgh also has a ton to offer.
  7. I've been watching those storms bubble from the beach all afternoon. Some nice boomers for you inland folks.
  8. I am unconvinced that this will come within a furlong of 2018 in the dews department. That was a freak show.
  9. I had a one inch diameter branch down in my yard this morning. To whom do I appeal to have Fay's name retired?
  10. I too follow that approach, but you will be measuring in feet a lot more than I will be.
  11. While this will surely end up meh, there is a certain appeal to it here. Beyond the tropical dews, the clouds are dark and heavy and racing towards the northwest. We get occasional burst of those small droplet showers that are so typical of tropical systems. I dunno. I'm enjoying it for the minor novelty it is.
  12. Yeah, the fact that the highlight of my winter was some flakes in mid May says it all. The title of this thread would work well to describe last winter with one minor amendment: "Drought ending rains and severe dejection."
  13. I think they said something similar to that on 5/31/98 too.
  14. Heading out to Fishers this weekend. Pass on the rain and on any wind/waves that might jeopardize the scant inches of sand on my beach.
  15. Yeah, I've been feeling a little lost without it. Even with the political distractions, it was much easier to find useful info than wandering around the various news sites and Twitter.
  16. Stuff starting to pop on that sea breeze boundary up around Meriden now.
  17. Clouds going up on that sea breeze boundary are starting to look interesting. Perhaps we can pop something along it?
  18. That's a sore subject. My earliest memory of a weather forecast disappointing.
  19. And if it's anything like the last two winters, I'll need a hundred inches of blow.
  20. Peak hurricane season model head fakes come first. Then we set our sights on the white rain season.
  21. Despite the political acrimony, the COVID thread was one of the best places on the Internet for up to date info. It's too bad it went off the rails, and yet it seemed almost inevitable.
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