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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yes, the nearly exposed center is a classic hallmark of RI.
  2. Emphatically agree. My mother is a teacher and has never worked harder to make remote learning engaging. She put in the longest hours of her 35 year career over the spring. Frankly, I think a lot of teachers are going to burn out this year. Many are putting in a lot of time over the summer to plan and prepare for the possibility of shutdowns this fall/winter.
  3. Which is funny, considering what a gigantic wave it came from.
  4. Cowan noted Isaias' location near the entrance region of a healthy jet as it climbs the coast could argue for maintaining strength better than it might otherwise. We'll see. I'm not in any camp yet. These things are damn fickle. I didn't even manage a gust to 20 with a purported 60mph TS going to my west a few weeks ago.
  5. Yikes. Glad I had my trees pruned recently in that scenario.
  6. Someone needs to warn Galveston. Like, now.
  7. Of course. As I said, it's tropical FANTASY tracking season.
  8. lol 110 knots on LI. That would bring some trees down.
  9. I love tropical fantasy tracking season. Best part is it isn't even August!
  10. Nearly 1,500 American deaths yesterday. Not a good trend.
  11. Has the center jumped north? Satellite would certainly suggest it. I suppose the flow banking up against the northern side of Hispaniola could encourage such a move. Interesting.
  12. This heat wave has been pretty meh in my opinion. Temps never got as high as projected, and breeze kept up the heat flux off the skin. I don't even have a/c on in the house today and I'm fine.
  13. Hoping for some big surf a la Bill when I'm back at Fishers in a few weeks.
  14. Plenty of tropical modeling porn to add to the spank bank this summer.
  15. Pounding rain and constant thunder. Finally some decent sleeping weather!
  16. Epic. The homeowner in me wishes to never see wind like that, but my inner weenie would give anything.
  17. Maybe Bob in '91? I'm not sure what category it was officially at landfall, but Block Island gusted to like 110 or 115.
  18. Nice downpour early this morning. Still cloudy. Hopefully they'll stick around and tamp down the heat.
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