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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Not boring. Welcome relief from a month of heat and dews talk.
  2. I would say "congrats Hoth", but I also like power and Internet.
  3. Pretty impressive video on Ryan's channel a minute ago. Not rain wrapped, unlike most of our nados.
  4. Looks like that cell in Litchfield is tor warned? Get moving, Wiz!
  5. Even without the sun, it is oppressively humid and disgusting out. So hot. Wish we had some decent lapse rates and a trigger. Could've been a contender.
  6. That would probably be a decent storm in my area. I'm lashing down my plastic lawn chairs as we speak.
  7. Well, I'll give Unc points for being consistent. Whether it's consistently bad remains to be seen.
  8. This storm is toast. The curse of all storms with a high ratio of vowels to consonants in the name.
  9. Unc's really been hitting the bottle this week.
  10. How are things in the Sunday severe thread?
  11. I'm thinking the ever elusive rhombus structure is possible.
  12. Bahamian dews just can't compete with ours. Once it's up here, it'll soak up like a sponge and explosively intensify, even while tracking inland. It's science.
  13. Bursty convection, fugly appearance, battling dry air and shear. Has that funny secondary lobe of convection like Matthew did a few years back. Not classic by any means, but a good warm up exercise as we get into the meat of the season.
  14. Fitch also downgrading US credit rating as we remain on an unsustainable path. Fed and Treasury continue debasing our currency and burying our children under a mountain of debt. But on a cheerier note, charcuterie is awesome.
  15. Yes, given where we are diurnally, I'm impressed by how cold the tops are. Tonight will be interesting.
  16. It doesn't look terrible. Obviously sheared, but I frankly expected it to look worse today.
  17. Welcome relief from the heat today. Cool with the smell of wet grass in the air.
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