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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Need some rain. My poor hydrangeas are looking very sad.
  2. The system off Virginia is looking pretty healthy ATM.
  3. Who knew the Gulf of Maine was such a hotbed of tropical genesis? Must be the relentless heat and dews.
  4. Since you made similar time of death declarations for the 2017 season a week before the Atlantic went bonkers, I'll take your thoughts as another favorable data point for a hyperactive peak.
  5. Absolutely. Problem is Trump doing those half baked (and likely unconstitutional) executive actions last week took a lot of the urgency out of Congress's negotiations. High stock market also makes them complacent. They aren't feeling the pinch like most people. It's amazing how bad the business environment is out there. I hear from people in all kinds of business every day and they're all struggling. I worry about this winter. It's gonna be bad.
  6. Meanwhile, Trump's crowing about the stock markets at all time highs. This whole thing is totally FUBAR.
  7. Nah, just gives them an excuse to bust into the nearest Tiffany's for shelter.
  8. Gorgeous day. Can't find fault with a nice southerly breeze with occasional puffy clouds rolling lazily overhead. Feels luxurious, like Cap d'Antibes or something.
  9. I'm even seeing some of that five miles inland in Hamden. My car also had a very light coating of salt when I drove home on Tuesday.
  10. I'll drink to that. I've had enough heat this season and look forward to crisp October days.
  11. That Wallingford to Trumbull corridor is actually served by United Illuminating. They've had problems of their own.
  12. I noticed that little guy this morning. Nice wave coming off Africa as well.
  13. I don't see any rebuild pics, but this one is interesting because it shows a bit of what Fishers looked like before the hurricane. Until the 1815 storm, Fishers was heavily forested. That cane blew down most of the trees on the island. From then until September '38, it was lots of meadows and small scrubby trees, as you can see from this picture. '38 seeded the island and it is once again in a mostly forest state today. Only a matter of time until the next big blow returns it to fields and meadows. Probably the closest house in spirit to "Windshield" on Fishers today is called "Hooverness", just around the point. Very modern open design intended to allow the owners to look upon their stunning gardens and also to make the house virtually disappear as one drives up to it. You see right through it across the water to CT.
  14. Oh for sure. The house was cursed. Blew down in '38. Browns rebuilt it. Then it burned to the ground a few decades later. The lot where it stood is an empty field now.
  15. That's awesome, Steve. I love weather stories like this, so let me return a short anecdote in kind. Back in the '30s, John Nicholas Brown II built a house on Fishers Island called "Windshield." It was an extremely modern structure, a passion project for Mr. Brown with lots of glass and gadgets, and was several years in planning and construction. It was finally finished in the summer of '38. The family was extremely wealthy and had a lot of help, including a trained English butler. The story goes that a few weeks after they moved in, the hurricane struck. That afternoon, the butler came into living room and announced very nonchalantly, almost casually, to Mrs. Brown, "Tea is served, madame, and, oh yes, the roof is blowing off." And blow off it did. The house was destroyed weeks after being finished.
  16. Active during peak season? He's really sticking his neck out lol.
  17. Effing hated that storm, or lack thereof.
  18. Better brush up on my Greek alphabet.
  19. Fortunately, most of those people are probably summering in Jackson Hole or Mt. Desert.
  20. I don't think that's going to last. There is seething anger just under the surface. The recognition that the government bailed out the top ten percent in recent months by directly backstopping the stock and credit markets, while so many millions are losing jobs and small businesses, is becoming increasingly self-evident to the man on the street. The fact that the Fed is now actively trying to make inflation run hot, making basic necessities more expensive for those who are most vulnerable, just shows how effed up everything is. This is how you get breakdowns of civil society. This is how people get stirred up to the point they fantasize about dusting off the guillotines.
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