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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. They've actually closed the auto road during the pandemic (which has been great for me as a runner). You can still walk to the top, if you're so inclined. The view is superb.
  2. Jesus, look at that beast in Iowa! Can I sign up for something like that emerging off the Mid-Atlantic coast in January?
  3. I guarantee I won't remember this summer for anything except maybe Isaias. It was hot. Summer always seems hot.
  4. 70s and gorgeous breeze. What a day! Are we really thinking storms later? Doesn't feel like that kind of day to me.
  5. Yeah, I think you're right. Looking NW of New London in that shot.
  6. I've been on the water at Fishers all afternoon watching those cells blow up around Worcester. Beastly updrafts and beautiful anvils. Congrats, folks. Classic summer day.
  7. Lol this is almost the definition of first world problems.
  8. Sipping some Fiddlehead watching this beauty going up up the coast.
  9. Excellent boomers last night. The grass is thrilled.
  10. They also have huge oil wealth which funds their trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund. Take that lucky break away and things would probably look quite different.
  11. Meh, those Nordic countries have plenty of problems of their own.
  12. I've probably had as many inches of rain in the last two months as I had snow between February and April.
  13. Still bumping the Ini Kamoze. That "Hot Steppa" is fire!
  14. Somewhere in the afterlife, Dr. Gray is dusting off that bell.
  15. Picked up a solid half inch today. Grass and plants desperately needed it.
  16. By the time we got power back, Wiz would be posting his countdown to May thread.
  17. Man, I thought that pine was gonna be like the blue shed from Harvey...and then 14:00 came along. What an incredible storm.
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