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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Another one from North Haven. Hope we start getting some stuff out of Branford in the coming days.
  2. Some pretty impressive wind after 2:00 in this video. Could do without all the commentary though.
  3. I got a chance to do a quick drive up Ridge for an informal survey. Lots of tree damage in my neighborhood, but not too many uprooted whole trees. That started about a mile north, roughly where my aunt/uncle live (who had a 90 foot oak crush their Jeep). I was saddened to find the beautiful allee of mature maples that lined Ridge Rd just before the intersection with Skiff, the crowns of which used to provide an arch of shade over the road, was badly mauled by the storm. The most consistent and impressive damage was further up, closer to where Ridge and Dixwell intersect, where there was a great deal of uprooted trees, damaged poles and downed wires. Same thing a block over on Hartford Turnpike and near the interchange with 91. The most impressive swathe I saw was on School Lane and Buckingham Lane. Extensive tree and line damage in there. I will take a longer drive around at some point in the next few days and see what else there is to see.
  4. We've had as many tornadoes as 12" snowfalls in the last five years.
  5. I noticed that on my beach this week. We had tons growing last summer for the first time in years, and they're all gone now.
  6. Strong trough + cyclone in the Bahamas can certainly be a bad combo, depending on the timing. Fortunately it's out at a really long lead, so it's just model porn at this point.
  7. I think that's Davis Rd along the Mill River. I jog out there sometimes. If you go out Ridge Rd, you take a left down Davis to go to Quinnipiac.
  8. Amazing. That's a big tornado for these parts. Even more amazing no one was hurt! There's your silver lining.
  9. Hey Ryan, are you going to post your coverage from yesterday to Youtube? I was out of the viewing area and would love to see it.
  10. Good news is we have no trees left to come down. Bring it!
  11. I assume the valley enhances helicity or something like that, but who knows?
  12. Assuming this is officially counted as a tornado, my uncle will have the dubious distinction of getting hit by all three Hamden tornadoes. His house got heavily damaged by the F4 in '89, the '18 tornado went over his car while he was commuting home on Gaylord Mtn Road, and this go round his car got crushed by a falling oak as it went by. Fortunately he was not in it.
  13. It's a very scenic drive, but definitely was not designed with modern day driving in mind.
  14. I once got rear ended because I came around a bend and there was a couch in the middle of the parkway.
  15. Don't know if this is true or not, but my neighbor heard there are multiple fatalities on the Merritt related to falling trees. Anyone else heard anything?
  16. Not exclusive to Hamden, but I like to throw the '11 Norlun in there too.
  17. If I had been home, you can bet Hamden would've had a gentle sun shower. But naturally, being at Fishers, the town got clocked.
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