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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I'll give it points for being consistent. Whether that's consistently wrong is TBD.
  2. That place will be burning for another century or two.
  3. Back in the good ol' days before they developed the base.
  4. Pain is a powerful teacher, more so than pleasure sadly. The last few seasons still hurt acutely, while 2004-05 and 2014-15 are just pockets of warmth in the recesses of memory.
  5. Yeah we all had wood over the look last fall. After back to back Modoki fake out seasons, that word is now on my Fraud Five list.
  6. Bit more blocky looking that run. Amplified pattern for sure.
  7. Definitely with you on the block. I'd need to see that before I could really give this much attention.
  8. Yes, seeing legit snowflakes on the coastal plain in May was the ultimate insult after last winter.
  9. Nothing last forever, even droughts by Dave Epstein.
  10. It sort of reminds me of that monster nor'easter we had in Jan '18. Different origins obviously, but the look at our latitude is very reminiscent.
  11. Weird shit likes to go down on October 27th.
  12. You can Kuchie many things. Many...things.
  13. Not very blocky, but I suppose if you were to dig that system in the Lakes a little earlier...maybe?
  14. We've put in some pretty anomalous systems around that date. Not saying that's happening, but it is our sweet spot in the last decade.
  15. Warm and wet usually means exactly that in these parts.
  16. Yes, and you can really see that Saharan wasteland locally known as Mt. Tolland, too.
  17. Dang. Didn't Mt. Tom have a nasty microburst a few years back too?
  18. This winter is going to be rough from a health standpoint, so yeah, let's keep it warm and maximize outdoor time as long as possible.
  19. I'm just tossing winter going in. Anything that does come will be a pleasant surprise.
  20. The worst kind of deja vu if that happens. Yikes.
  21. That sneaked up on me. Drove home and all was well and sunny. Fiddle around the house for a few minutes and suddenly it just started roaring. Fun little squall.
  22. Jan '11 was awesome, but I lived in Boston in '15 and it blew everything else away.
  23. The last blast of Feb '15. Probably the high water mark for winter in my lifetime.
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