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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Nice fluffy flakes now. It's kind of jarring against a backdrop of green maples in my yard. (They always turn late)
  2. Welcome back, old friend. I've missed you.
  3. Flipping here now. Occasional bursts of snow amid the drizzle.
  4. Interesting that you're raining while Ginx is snow. Cold funneling down from Maine over there?
  5. All rain in the valley. Had a ping or two when I got up. It's gross out.
  6. We who are about to suck exhaust salute you!
  7. Always a highlight of my weather-watching year. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it, Ray.
  8. Often a great leading indicator of wintry times to come as well. January 2013 and 2015 both come to mind.
  9. My money's on our Golden State Warriors fan in West Hartford. He's had some late night gems the last few years.
  10. New Haven wastewater data is very concerning. Suggests an outbreak may be under way in the area.
  11. I wonder what the record shortest period between snows is for my location. I had snow in May. If I get a bit on Friday, this year has got to be a contender for that title.
  12. That's right. Expected rain to start, but started as snow in Hamden. That was an "uh-oh" moment. The trees started to sag in an hour, then came the pops and shotgun blasts. Thankfully not a disaster near the coast, but boy was the Hartford area a disaster.
  13. My memory was that models trended colder and colder as we got closer to game time. There was a lot of incredulity and model tossing initially, but by the time we got the warm up event on 10/27, we knew something special was coming.
  14. Hey, my old boss won $200 million in October '11 after the storm. Most of CT had no power, but Greenwich did. Go figure. Dude was already loaded too.
  15. Oddly enough, this does still share some vestigial commonality with those 380 hour GFS snowicane projections. This end of October period is always interesting.
  16. That would exceed my entire '19-'20 season haha.
  17. My money is on E. It was a clusterf&ck with the testing last spring, so the case numbers were probably significantly higher than they are now and we were just missing them. If I remember right, CT had like 11,000 cases and over a 1,000 deaths going into the summer. No way the mortality rate is anywhere near that high. We were just missing a lot of cases.
  18. Super exciting time. I don't think I slept more than a few hours each night that whole week. I was practically psychotic by the time landfall actually happened.
  19. The pattern in that run was a pretty drastic departure from the previous four or five.
  20. Yup, Octobomb '11, Sandy, Stowe blowdown, SE Mass mini cane. That week produces some wild stuff.
  21. Sucker is absolutely booking, too. Would have to think coastal flooding would be quite something.
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