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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. One of the greatest live concerts ever IMO. "Big Business" another great track.
  2. I got a kick out this. For those of you who watch "It's Always Sunny":
  3. With the election and Thanksgiving coming in a few weeks, it's going to be ugly everywhere.
  4. Some quality programming on WET. The rhymes are just so tight!
  5. Oh yeah. Dark hair, slight build, smaller unaugmented chest. Attractive, but by no means a standout other than being tall. Truthfully I think she was prettier then before all the work she had done. Edit: to her credit, I'll add she was both quite nice and articulate.
  6. Blech, perish the thought. Ivanka has all the brains in that gene pool, but she's just as morally bankrupt as the rest. Side note: I once accidentally dumped a lunch tray on her in high school. Was mortified as the time, but now I wear it as a badge of honor.
  7. The recent weakness in the dollar makes no intuitive sense to me. With a split senate, the odds of another multi-trillion dollar stimulus package getting through drop to almost nothing. Perhaps it's signaling that the Fed will instead take up the slack by printing trillions instead, but I still would've taken the recent developments as dollar bullish, especially given that Europe is probably going to stimulate hard with the ongoing lockdowns there.
  8. Regardless of how this presidential race turns out, this election looks like a move towards to the political center. With Democrats losing some ground in the House and gaining a bit in the Senate, it's clear the American people have rejected much of the extreme rhetoric of both the right and left. If Joe wins, you'll have a fairly moderate and traditional politician without the congressional support to do anything too polarizing. He will have to govern from the center to get anything done. Hopefully this can be something of a reset from the last two decades of hard swings back and forth between the more radical left and right elements of society. Perhaps the spirit of accommodation will once again creep into government, as the Founders intended. I won't hold my breath, but just maybe we can reset to a more 90s style of governance.
  9. Ironically, by suggesting mail in ballots were problematic, he probably exacerbated the skew in the ratio even more. He told his base they were unreliable, so they overwhelmingly voted in person. You see that in the PA results. Big Republican lead on election day, but 78% of mail in ballots are going to Biden so far and the gap continues to close.
  10. Must be killing Josh M. not being able to chase these beasts recently.
  11. Holy shite Eta is a fooking monster. Hadn't looked at it since last night. Jeezus!
  12. There's my silver lining.
  13. Hazey blown into Boston Harbor.
  14. That's the nuttiest model output I've seen at our latitude. That's James' Dawn Awakening 2020 right there lol
  15. Britain going back into lockdown, too. I think he was referring to remarks President Trump made at a rally last February, in which he called the virus the Democrats' "new hoax" after the impeachment proceedings. I don't think he meant it literally, but I'm not going to defend his management of this pandemic either. Anyway, I'm sick of politics (Orh feel free to delete), so let's talk snow. Loved your pictures this morning, Steve. Bet the pups were having a ball.
  16. Wow, kudos to you inland folks. That's pretty much a HECS for this time of year.
  17. Amazing what a difference a few miles made this morning. I had a solid half inch of accretion on everything. I drove into New Haven and literally a mile south of me you wouldn't have known it had snowed at all.
  18. This is pretty sweet. Ground whitening up and solidly moderate snow whirling around on the occasional gust.
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