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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Like a miniature version of what happened to New Haven's Christmas tree.
  2. lol, have you considered being a securities analyst on Wall Street? Flogging stuff to the masses you wouldn't touch yourself is central to the job, and you can make a solid seven figures.
  3. A few terrific gusts with the line, now all quiet.
  4. Power flash somewhere to my southwest.
  5. A few pretty vicious gusts mixing in amid the general roar. Glad my leaves are down.
  6. It's roaring out. Thankfully most of the leaves are down, so not too worried about power.
  7. Glad you fared well in round one. Best of luck on Wednesday, Steve!
  8. I had a pretty sensational melt in late March '18 after the models had southern CT slated for a good 15-20", which instead wound up slamming Long Island with 2 feet while we clawed our way to a couple sandy inches. This being the second time that had happened in the span of three weeks, my nerves were already frayed. I felt we had let a great -NAO and a historic parade of nor'easters largely go to waste (we did sneak one nice paster in there) and that last big bust was a crowning insult. Legend has it that my paroxysm of profanity still hangs in suspension over Long Island Sound.
  9. A friend of mine has a place at Yellowstone. Just a different world.
  10. Elon Musk should never be quoted as an authority on anything, including car manufacturing. This is the same guy who predicted by the end of April COVID would be gone in the U.S.
  11. Dunno, saw it front and center on Drudge.
  12. Jon Rahm's hole in one the other was mind blowing. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  13. I apologize for my reaction earlier. I vehemently disagree with everything you said, including and the way you said it, but it's still no excuse to be uncivil.
  14. I'm not too familiar with the nuances of 10b5s, but usually they have a predetermined frequency and a set number of shares. I've never heard of one that triggers based on matching a certain stock price. The CEO dumping 60% of his holdings in one fell swoop will always raise an eyebrow.
  15. Yes, I seem to remember Herman Cain advocating something similar. Why don't you lick a few doorknobs down at the local ICU and show us the way. It's just the flu, after all. Get it over with.
  16. You do know infected kids can transmit to their parents or other vulnerable populations, right? More infected kids probably means more sick and dying teachers.
  17. If this gets bad enough, you'll get a self-imposed shutdown of sorts. We saw that happen last March before the official shutdowns began. People were instinctively avoiding public gatherings, theaters, restaurants etc. We are more used to the thread of COVID at this point, so the threshold for drastically changing behavior may be higher, but if we start losing 2 or 3K people per day, it will start to sink in.
  18. That's absolutely fair. The spontaneous gatherings last Saturday will undoubtedly contribute to the rising case load, as did holiday gatherings over the summer, protests over Floyd, and Trump rallies.
  19. Yeah, flu isn't nearly as communicable, so masks and distancing really work to tamp it down. COVID fatigue seems to be real too. I was driving around downtown New Haven Saturday evening and noted the sidewalks were jam-packed with diners. Great for the local restaurants, but I'm not sure it mitigates risk being outside if you're shoulder to shoulder with fifty other people eating without masks.
  20. 10% of Americans own 90% of the market. Fed has been bailing out America's wealthiest with trillions in balance sheet expansion.
  21. It would be pretty tough to outdo last year in the ratter department. I don't think I broke 10" on the season. Dumb luck in a crap pattern can sometimes deliver as much.
  22. One of my maples went from being green on Sunday, to yellow on Monday, to dropping almost all its leaves yesterday. I don't think I've ever seen it go that quick.
  23. The dollar is already under pressure from the enormous deficit spending our government has taken on this year, (and previous years frankly) and the implications of a similar follow-on program would be further acceleration of that downward trend, with resulting rising bond yields, commodity prices, general cost of living, you name it. With Republicans maintaining control in the Senate, I'd say the chances of any stimulus of trillion dollar scale passing again are slim. There was also remarkable fraud in the PPP program; it was rolled out with such haste that there weren't sufficient safeguards for taxpayer capital. The number of new businesses registered the month that program became active was off the charts. Frankly, even with weakness in the economy, unless the stock and credit markets rolls over bigtime, you're not going to see real urgency out of our government. A market at all time highs does not signal distress to these people.
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