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About Hoth

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Fishers Island/Hamden, CT

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  1. Hackleburg/Phil Campbell takes the cake for me as far as EF5 monsters go. However, purely from a menacing visual aesthetic goes, the Linneus MO and Keota IA wedges from last year are hard to beat.
  2. Yeah, there's that. I don't particularly like treadmills though. They sort of do the work for me, if that makes sense. Boring as hell, too, unless there happens to be a gorgeous girl on the adjacent one (never happens).
  3. Is it too much to ask to not have a wind roaring in my face every time I go for a run? It's been ridiculous this month.
  4. Gotta go with '11. I think Hartford's all-time snowiest October prior to that was like 1.5" and they got a foot out of that one storm. Just destroyed records.
  5. So not dropping then? (My date later turned out to be a lesbian)
  6. If there is a single government agency that generates great value for the tax payer's dollar, it is the NWS.
  7. First run of the year in shorts today. Felt damn good.
  8. For sure. Heard the red wing blackbirds out there for the first time, too. Always a sign that spring is approaching.
  9. This website is gold. Anyway, another beautiful morning out there. 10 mile jog on the books, and I dare say my nape may be slightly sunburned.
  10. Tupper Lake NY picnic table pic. Now that’s how you do winter.
  11. The weenie melts in southern Delaware must be epic. From 20”+ to an inch in a few cycles.
  12. Wasn’t there a Feb tornado in Mass a few years back?
  13. Chunks of wind propelled ice slamming my windows
  14. Which storm was it that was expected to nail SCT and wound up dumping 2 feet on Islip while we got an inch of baking powder? That stung.
  15. Hopefully that won’t be freezing rain.
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