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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Fishers Island/Hamden, CT

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  1. Surprised to find it’s snowing and roads are covered. Love it!
  2. I’ve ceased investing in this at all. Starting to like summer more.
  3. I swear sometimes it feels like you live in a different continent than me. Winter wonderland up there!
  4. Light snow. Good for the soul, even if it doesn’t stick.
  5. Just pouring rain. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  6. Wow, congratulations. Nothing but rain over here.
  7. Rain. Lame, but not unexpected.
  8. Agreed. My 0.1" seems a little over top.
  9. First flakes during my run earlier. Just a few, but it felt great to see them! Edit: Wow, just looking at what other folks here are getting tonight. I had no idea accumulation was even on the table. Congratulations to all.
  10. Fine by me. Keep it warm and dry for another month, then revert to cold and snowy in time for winter.
  11. Hopefully this is the end of the damn mosquitoes.
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