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Everything posted by CAD_Wedge_NC

  1. Good, then why are you still here trolling everybody else? I don't want to see any posts from you when there is a valid threat. Also, I don't appreciate being called a weenie for remembering that it's still January...... SMH.
  2. Yeah, I felt sure things would be looking up by the end of January...... doesn't look promising anymore.
  3. Yeah, GSP just added "rain and snow likely" to my forecast on Tuesday night down here. Didn't see that coming.
  4. There is a signal. I'll give you that. I also like where the MJO is headed. Let's get this inside 7 days and then we can breathe a little easier.
  5. It does give us some hope, but it is too far down the road to put any faith in right now. Like to see it inside 7 days.
  6. If the MJO is in phase 4,5 or 6 during February, then you can forget about it being cold. That is pretty much guaranteed in a La Nina.
  7. Yeah, was just looking at that. Looks like the model is starting to come around.
  8. Nope, it's just the GFS being clueless. I will not even look at it until we are 72 hours out (been burned too many times). Not saying that the Euro solution will play out, just not buying into the GFS. Remember it was the Euro / UK solution that led the way over the GFS on our Dec non-event and that combo looks pretty good right now.... stay tuned.
  9. Only one problem ..... Februarys in a La Nina year typically mean torch city. So, if you are going to punt all of January, might as well punt February too....... Oh, and just food for thought, punting the entire winter on the second day of January is not a wise move. We are all sore about the bitter cold in December with nothing to show for it, however there will still be more chances.
  10. Yeah, with a SSW / PV disruption, you don't know where the cold air will end up. It has hit the east coast in times past and then again, it has only effected the plain states. The only thing you can count on is that cold air will become dislodged and come south. Other than that, it's a crap-shoot.
  11. Maybe we can squeeze something in there between those warm-ups.
  12. Yeah, it's at that "watch the trends" stage right now. However, I believe the higher elevations certainly have a shot with this one.
  13. You are not serious ...... the skis resorts have a deep base right now and they will survive a couple of weeks warmer weather just fine. I promise you that there is plenty of winter to come.
  14. Good work, thanks for taking the time to do this research. Looking forward to verification.
  15. Not true.... pattern looks to re-load 2nd week of Jan.
  16. Down to 10 degrees and still dropping slowly.
  17. Right behind you at 13 degrees here. I estimate at least 5 degrees or lower for a low.
  18. You will be back in here .... as soon as there is a winter storm thread.
  19. I agree .... I would let the smoke clear with this FROPA, then see what happens.
  20. Hey, I have seen it work before..... never hurts to hope.
  21. Yeah, I am just not feeling good about this one. Once the north trend commences, it rarely trends back south. However, I could be wrong.
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