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About CAD_Wedge_NC

  • Birthday 01/11/1965

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    NC Foothills

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  1. "14.7 and felt every bit of it" .... fixed it for you. Is this correct? .... lol, just messing with you.
  2. Are you ready to call It now .... time of death?
  3. They all do, and this one will also .... Question is .... will it be too much.
  4. Look at it this way .... if it phases early and we amp up, we have wiggle room to still get a good winter storm out of it. We are actually in a better spot than if we were worrying about a NW trend.
  5. If this pans out, I will be staying right where I am.
  6. I have not seen an EPS mean of 6 inches in years. The Euro suite is looking sweet. Maybe I will need that shovel after all.
  7. It was so cold that I only needed a leaf blower. I saved the shoveling for next week.
  8. Guess we will see you next winter then. End of winter is only 2 weeks away despite what the weeklies show.
  9. Nope, not going to get sucked in. The ensembles aren't in agreement with the OP. At this range we should be looking at that .... not the OP run. However, the trends are encouraging.
  10. Yeah, not surprised at the CAD showing signs of being stronger as we approach verification. Far cry from the warm rain we were anticipating a few days ago.
  11. Not really liking where this is going. This is trending towards a Miller B storm. If that's the case, we will see the CAD trend stronger/colder at the surface while the 850's stay warm. That spells "lights out for us"
  12. I agree with you. However, it has been trending south .... it may not be done yet. It will all come down to where it ends up before the NW trend sets in.
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