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Posts posted by DeltaT13

  1. Trip Summary: incredibly intense rains, truly blinding. Some definite wet microburst* type gusts at times.  Few small limbs down. Couple close lightning strikes, a handful of pea size hail, and some flooded roads.  Not too shabby at all. 

    *Edit - I should have said rain loaded downdrafts because I didnt see any real damage.

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  2. I have a pretty decent time lapse of these two cells that have hit the tropopause and flattened out.  You can just see the anvil and mammatus on a storm up over Webster (front left side which is North).  The other storm (bottom right) was over Farmington, looking east/southeast  


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  3. These storms are definitely more intense than usual for around here. This is very deep convection. I watched several storms out my window at work smack right into the tropopause and flatten out several times…absolutely beautiful. One of my favorite things to watch. And the updrafts had the sharpest most crisp edges…looking like cauliflower, haha. Anyway, I’m home now and cells just popped over me and to my west and put out a ton of lightning. Huge CG’s!  Loudest thunder I’ve heard in awhile.  Hoping that more organized area can tap into our instability before it wanes.  We don’t get days like this often up here. 

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  4. 51 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:

    Well, there you go....while pretty much every where else in New York state is currently in the lower to mid 70s (even some 60s) Syracuse shoots right up to 80 degrees and is warmest in the state (outside of NYC).


    At what point will you stop being surprised that the largest urban area (at a very low local elevation) will be the hottest location within 100 miles...Every. Single. Day.  This should not be surprising or even interesting at this point.  

  5. 57 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I can easily predict the weather. It's going to be above normal for the rest of our lifetimes. 

    And it will never rain again in Rochester.  It's pretty incredible.  Remember last week we kept thinking someone was going to get inches of rain this week.  I think I could have counted all the drops that have fallen in the last 10 days on 1 hand.  It's like living in the damn desert...

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  6. 16 hours ago, TugHillMatt said:

    I seriously wonder....for you guys who have lived here for longer, has it always been pretty easy for Syracuse to hit the 90s? It seems soooo simple. The temp is rarely in the mid to upper 80s...If that's forecasted, it almost always seems to heat up easily into the 90s. This rapid warming is insane.

    Urban heat islands continue to grow each year, more parking lots, more buildings, and more places using AC (which likely has a small local impact).  When all the buildings are pumping heat outside, it eventually becomes tangible.  There is no city that has less pavement and more trees now than in years past.  Temps can only go up in these scenarios.  I'm quite convinced Buffalos higher temps are solely because of all the development in that area the past few years.  Also, climate change is the real deal...and certainly shows itself as warming more often than not.

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