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Posts posted by DeltaT13

  1. 56 minutes ago, Thinksnow18 said:

    Schools dropping like flies…Amherst, Depew on top of BPS…and my kids were just told Williamsville CSD closed

    Amherst, geez...they are on the hairy edge of getting zilch (IMO), that is before tomorrow at least.  Perhaps later tomorrow or tomorrow night when the next shortwave approaches they might get in the game..  Anyway, that was a bold call.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

    BTV has a nice hit with the northern edge hugging downtown south for majority of event.  QPF max around an inch through most of central Erie which would fit right into the 12-18” range with the 15/20 ratios.  Can’t believe you guys are getting bummed already.  


    There will be a strong lake response, I just don't think we can be so sure on the band placement being as far North as we originally anticipated.  

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Latest GFS has a strong band for 36 hours with WSW flow. Storm is far enough offshore to not have too much of an impact.


    I don't love the look of those isobars as that coastal storm is definitely changing the pressure gradient up in our neck of the woods.  I still can't really figure out how we will get such a prolonged southwest wind event aside from thermal troughing because of the warm great lakes.  This setup definitely does not have the typical hallmarks of a long duration SW wind event.  We want a closed mid level low up over Hudson bay and no storm off the East Coast.  Could definitely see those bands ending up further South....

    • Like 4
  4. 3 hours ago, DeltaT13 said:

    You are a bit of an enigma with your I love snow but your "I don't care if it lasts" ideology....because then you make statements about how our lack of cold has ruined a lot of outdoor activities around here.   Snow duration and cold go hand in hand my man!

    The game was great. Honestly one of my favorite games I’ve ever been too.  The only fans there seemed to be the true diehards as it had to only be about 70 percent full. The light snow that fell the entire game didn’t amount to anything but gave great ambiance, and they were perfect dendrites at that.  No annoying fans from the other team, because well, it was the falcons haha. Just a quintessential Buffalo game, and a clutch win. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Hey now. I think I'm one of the only ones here who ski, snowboard, and play ice hockey all winter. Not to mention winter hikes. What good is snow if you just look at it outside? :P

    You are a bit of an enigma with your I love snow but your "I don't care if it lasts" ideology....because then you make statements about how our lack of cold has ruined a lot of outdoor activities around here.   Snow duration and cold go hand in hand my man!

    • Like 5
  6. 1 minute ago, Thinksnow18 said:

    While I agree about Mentkowski, I feel the other 2 are married to their in-house model too often and won’t go by other guidance…I remember we had this exact talk last year during a similar event that their models were a good 15-20 miles too far south with placement of that band…and they did t deviate even while it was ripping up here. It constantly wanted to shift the band south seemingly by the hour. I feel that conservative nature hurts them. 

    Do we actually believe that local tv stations have in-house models?  There is no way some broadcast meteorologist is writing code and inputting data that is going to be better than NCEP. It takes millions of dollars and thousands of man hours to build a weather model.  When they say they use in-house models it means they put their stations name on a off run of the hi res NAM.   

    • Like 5
  7. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo Bumble said:

    Would normally say bring it but the Pats game showed we’re better off with benign conditions. Need to keep the passing offense rolling! 

    Yeah we crumbled in those winds. But I feel like the bills team that played this past Sunday would have won on Monday night.  Not only was there bad weather but we just didn’t play well that night, a pretty ugly game  


  8. 1 hour ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    Yeah, that map is definitely wrong, especially here, about 25 miles north of Syracuse, where it's showing 2-3" currently otg. I don't have my glasses on, so I can't see shit, lol! Doesn't there have to be 1" other the morning of Christmas for it to be a White Christmas? If thats the case, I don't think anywhere will verify accept those that live on the Tug and perhaps South of KBUF but IDK about that area.

    Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

    That map isn’t what’s on the ground it’s what fell in a 48 hour window, so it’s pretty accurate as there has been a lot of melting already. I’m already down to a soggy 3 inches. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:

    Lol... I once shared a townhouse with a guy who hated snow. When I shoveled the driveway in the morning, I would make nice big piles in shaded areas to "save the snow." I would come home from work to find he broke up the snow piles and shoveled some of the snow BACK on the driveway to melt it in the afternoon sun! Drove me bonkers! Hahaha.... Serious snow battles between the two of us. Lol

    I’d be so mad!  I have a huge tree that blocks the sun really well and I usually make a nice pile behind it. Glad to hear I’m not alone in my strategies. 

    • Haha 3
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