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Everything posted by Ja643y

  1. Man do I wish I was up there. Looks like I may miss out on 6”+ in the Little Switzerland/Spruce Pine area if the short range models are correct!
  2. Asked this in the other thread, but probably better suited here. Noticed that a lot of models have a sort of enhanced area of snowfall in Mitchell and McDowell counties, specifically closer to the SW corner of Mitchel near Spruce Pine. Any ideas why?
  3. Can anyone explain to me the little maximum that’s been showing in a band through Mitchell and McDowell counties?
  4. Pretty nice rates at App Ski mtn with decent size flakes!
  5. Just like that back to mostly rain. Looks very rate dependent
  6. Just checked the camera for our place just above the BlueRidge off 226… snow finally starting come down a bit and stick on elevated parts of the deck.
  7. We left yesterday, but the outdoor cam I have shows more ice this morning than we had with the Saturday storm. All melted off now, but looked to be every bit of .25” this morning
  8. Just a very basic temp gauge that has been here for years, not sure how well calibrated… but showed 20 for morning low, 37 for high. Currently 30.
  9. I’m right up 226 from Marion before you get to Spruce Pine. Thoughts? Hoping to keep power tonight, but wouldn’t mind the kids waking up to an inch or two of snow.
  10. Yea, I'm just up 226 from Marion... It has not let up for nearly 2 hours. I'm from Florida, so know some good rainfall rates, and although I don't have a gauge here, would be we've picked up 2.5 to 3 inches just since 8a.
  11. 0z GFS with maybe the best output all season. Long ways off, but last 8 or so runs have held serve for some type of event.
  12. Don’t look now, but there’s a storm 8 days out on the GFS. I’m headed up with the kids next week. It looks like it may be colder than when I was there in early January!
  13. I’ve got a place I can go to right on the McDowell/Mitchell line just under 3,300 feet. The maps show a pretty steep drop off with almost nothing. Is there shadowing that happens or does all the moisture get rung out pretty quick NE to SW as it crosses the boarder. I’ve only been there for one storm (last year - 10”+) but never for a Flow event. Any thoughts?
  14. Wondering if anyone has looked at Next Friday and think there’s a chance for that to trend better for the region. GFS had an interesting solution at 6z that I imagine wouldn’t be too far fetched to trend for some snow for the Mountains - but then again, I know very little and only spend a month or two a year up here, so don’t know all the nuances.
  15. Hurricane Hunter showing reading of 947.4 over land.. is this extrapolated from Wind speed? They obviously aren’t dropping dropsondes over land.
  16. https://www.weather.gov.ky/radar looking at Cayman Radar, seems like the eye may be tightening, but also causing it to move due N or maybe even a smidge E of N… anyone else see this?
  17. Not familiar with the area yet, how does the Spruce Pine area in Mitchell County set up for Flow Snow?
  18. Solid 5.5" everywhere here and coming down hard! I think we get 10" by the time it's all said and done
  19. ⁰22 degrees and coming down at a good clip. I'd say between 4 and 5 inches here near Little Switzerland.
  20. Coming down pretty good. Eyeballing 1.5” on the railing! IMG_0391.MP4
  21. Remarkably consistent. 12+ for probably 10 straight runs. If it verifies, I'll be thrilled and very impressed with the lead time at which this was accurate
  22. First flakes - really fine, but quickly whitened up the deck railing. Near Little Switzerland @ around 3300'
  23. Our Chili is cooking now to be ready for tomorrow! Sausage and Peppers tonight!
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