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Typhoon Tip

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Everything posted by Typhoon Tip

  1. D 7/8 are in a synoptic evolution that lands on this appeal for D9... First Day 7 has ballooning height rises punching east across SE Canada... This look is not a cooling one... the lower troposphere is merely (but only slightly) out of phase for driving hot thickness into the height rise back side... As I said, in process of transitioning ...but everyone's got an opinion - guess we'll see... but here at D9...this is just about identical to the pattern that provided last week low/mid grade heat wave...
  2. Right..... nice and dry/low DP cold pattern with above normal temperatures - get used to it folks... 86 here is abv normal - By the way... the Euro operational is clearly in process of transitioning the 6-10 D into a heat wave... May not happen...but it's overcoming/come it's own bias in SE Canada in just three runs to get us +16 C 850s 7-8-9 as it is... We'll see - With that flow flatting on the heals of a ridge tsunamis rolling through the Northern Lakes into eastern Ontario...not a huge leap to tug some western EML/dragon fart
  3. Plus ... these 'synergy' effects ... where the results tends to be more pronounced than the sum of the parts... It's like 'given any excuse' a +1 supporting pattern is 1.4 abv...and so on.. and if it's a +2 pattern boom, 3.3 ... it tends to give back profit plus interest... It goes the other way too... it's just that we don't have the underpinning 'steroid' for cold... We have it for warmth ... It's abstract and easy to deny - out of all empirical evidences that people have the gull to try, that one is admittedly the easiest... Gestalt is difficult at best and more likely impossible to define using physical equations... but, when in GW... warm patterns over produce warmth. In GC ... cool patterns over perform cold. Maybe it's just something silly like ...human finger prints on physical processes having a way of biasing based on what they are observing... Build and equation...doesn't "seem" to match the heat(cold)...so we unconsciously add(detract) decimals... Just being metaphoric to describe ...but who knows. If the pattern "looks like +1" ...we will verify +2 ... I'd put 100$ on that -
  4. Sept has a better chance of being +3 than it does being -3 in deference to the parlance, and most importantly 'circumstances,' of our times. That's why it will be +3 ... call that a 'gut feeling'. Call that just acknowledging the former, which is more than mere gut - it's awareness of where the world is... That's why - Can it be -3... sure... can it be -1 ...absolutely... but along the curve of probabilities... these are less than their mirrored values... There may be climate-operational hybrid tools that specifically do those weekly this and that but ...I've come to find those are not more or less reliable than the type of philosophy used above - at least from what I've seen.
  5. ... There'll be hand wavers as they are going over the cliff ... It is possible to 'deny to death' - it's happened throughout history over lesser specters than GW-based environmental apocalypse, and will happen again. Gee-wiz, any time some geezer stances against a pleading EM official, prior to a big hurricane, or a volcano's impending doom... citing past this that through a matter of irrelevant heritage ... that is death. It's not making it easier if/when environmental lobby groups tailor up "official looking" studies and foist 'pseudoscience' for the general consumption of an ill-prepared populous. At no fault of their own, a population that likely isn't critically evaluating these things the right way ( putting it diplomatically). Then, those who are ... or common sense kicks in, and render's whatever content and circumstance as suspect ... ( and this is the part that scratches my head ) that for some reason impugns the entire theoretical framework of GW ? That is just as logically flawed.
  6. Point being ...it's not verified too well.. some... but not well - I suspect it's just tending toward too much amplitude in the later mid ranges in general - kind of like, as the model's physics get more coupled with finer meshed.. it seems to be slowly converging on a similar error bias as the Euro... Which definitely is too deep with troughs in the D7-10 range over Ontario... It just did it over the last three days...Go back and compare the Euro from three days ago there, and it's some 10 DM shallower as of last night's 00z rendition... And I suspect it flattens even more... Anyway - cheers. we'll see
  7. GEFs have had that at all times all summer...
  8. Oh there are none ...ahahahahaa I'm just havin' fun on lunch... It's yeah it's more likely that's coincident? But, having the PNA sag to -3SD and the NAO attempt +.5 SD is an interesting concurrent tele look when there are operational runs with monolith isohypsotic domes over Maryland ... not considering that and in a vacuum.
  9. oh i know - ...just bustin' balls... Frankly, I hope that we ( finally ) get a front loader winter... Man, ... okay okay, so it's not statistically on point to expect that, but still... 2 in 7 should be at least more active between Thanks giggedy and spendmas...with 1 and 10 down right performing. ...it's the 1:10 that we're due on.. and by that, pack the whole way... Gee say it like that, it's 1:28 I think 2010 is the last big Dec we had but don't quote me... Otherwise... 2007 and 2008 back to back were good front winters ... I think... I know the best I ever experienced was 1995 while living on campus at UML. We had still morning cold fall leaf litter in early November ... Rivulets of ice on the shade side of the Canal where the the water trickles from betwixt the granite blocks... And one afternoon 3:50 or so...with the sun oblique upon the western horizon, the ice still clung at 44 F ... Meanwhile, NYC couldn't get below 60 - kind of a gradient look I suspect... Either way, a week later we had 3-5 mix/snow/zr ... and that was it. No idea what Earth looked like until the super nova thaw of late January, '96... Now THAT is how you run an early loader. Anyway, mix feelings on the prospects for early antics this go. We've seen an astonishingly persistent -AO in summer and it's been readily observable in modeling and verified height nodes retrograding across high latitudes. Stockholm syndrome alone would argue we sail into colder climes with blocks sending cold loads and up against unusually warm west Atlantic/bite waters? Mm mm tasty. Buuuut... the QBO is out of whack with the AO... The two are persistently expressing in the negative correlation ...which by definition should imply it's unstable and can't last - yet it has. ...Four months and counting. I'm almost inclined to believe that concurrent phasing may be a artifice of summer ...and that the hemisphere operates more so in quadrature as opposed to more like seamless integral. I mean it never is...seamless ... but, there's a reason the PNA isn't even correlated to the other indices at CDC, JJA,...because the R-wave construct concomitantly breaks down the standard teleconnector models... So, ...intuitively... it may stand to reason that the +QPB/-AO unlikeliness is merely an accident of season. If so...oy - ...that may not be so good for winter... Because, when the gradients increase the thing winds up again ... the integral tightens, the correlations turn back on... does that mean the -AO flips into the preferred statistical suggestion. Which is positive. I hope not... Because nothing is worse for a weather enthusiast than 30 straight days of inactive dearth in a positive temperature anomaly in winter.
  10. Good thing there's no support for that sort of look in the extended, too -
  11. wonder what'll it be after this ...
  12. Hmeh... It's a nice air cleansed summer day... not much more to me, not when it's going to be 82 or 83 this afternoon. Nice to have a lowered DP though... sure. It's funny how our minds work... First sniff of cooler anything and we rev up of the deep autumn nostalg. Kinda like My Cousin Vinny: " ... It appears to me that you want to skip the arraignment process, go directly to trial, skip that, and get a dismissal," only here ... we want to dismiss summer. It was Aug 4 the other day and I read someone suggesting it's almost over because a swamp maple tinged.. ah..yeeeah I kinda of think of that as fantasizing baseballs return because pitchers and catchers happen to report on Feb 1 - ...nah, unfortunately the season is a long, long, long-long way off... haha. Summers have cool patterns... I'm not even sure this is the "shot across the bow" air mass that heralds the summer's decline, actually ... Unfortunately...having said that ... I have to risk sounding hypocritical though - this is an unusual summer. First of all the QBO has been in a robust westerly phase ...and rather inconsistent with that, the AO has been predominating in the negative phase state. It may be that the instraseasonal linkage/physical processes that do so ... break down in the summer, then reassert in the winter. I'm not sure.. .But,...sustaining +10 to +20 QBO with a mean minus 2 SD AO is not a typical correlation ... not a concurrent phase state I've read about. Supposed to be the other way around... I think perhaps the summer is different than the winter. The QPF phasing may channel through the Ozone dispersion science...which is partial in the SSW stuff... That much I know is winter only - but I'm speculating there. I'm not sure how that parlays as we the summer weeks really do wane... I wonder if the AO flips signs "just in time" for the stronger cold season correlations to kick in? Possible.... Stolen summer ( relative sense ...) followed by muted winter .... Just exactly what everyone wants to read in this particular social media, huh - Kidding, but ... we have less likely hemispheric phase states going on ... so offers some lowered predictability ...
  13. It's an interesting dichot ... We seem to be teetering between hotter than normal summer ( enter reason here...) and a -AO persistence. The latter is/should promote a shot before the shot across the bow at some point over the next three weeks but the former may flip matters unusually far in the other direction. Big swings.
  14. Oh k. Yeah Brian. Guess that one was a slam dunk
  15. Yeah. Not sure. At the time I glanced ... there was a discerned DP slope NW-N of Albany with linear activity ... seemed the assumption to make
  16. Well ... if nothing else you certainly come across deeply passionate as a de... wait, you didn't actually deny climate change - unless I glossed over that particular declarative. Haha Which otherwise your contribution is rife with declaratives ... which unfortunately, fall well short of substantive refutation. But think what you're getting at is that a particular weather event can not be causally linked to climate change ... mathematically that's the proper conclusion, because the arithmetic goes in the other direction - climate is N-weather terms divided by the number of events ... yada yada we know this just saying however the frequency of these kinds of intense heat waves is increasing globally - that should be noted. It should also be noted that that, among many other realizations, were also predicted by these climate models which are currently under fire by this discussion. At the end of the day the climate is warming. The numbers bear that out. And if your point is that this single heat wave cannot be blamed on climate change I agree ... but I would caution not using that as some kind of escape from acceptance..
  17. I'm noticing this too... small but perhaps the beginnings to a modality that... frankly, humanity has no choice but to become massively committed to - yeah...long way to got. I'm not mincing words... There are two choice my friends, either control yourselves, or, Nature will impose that control. How do we want it. If it's continued profligate management and selfish lording over the environment in this disposable, selfish entitled attitude? This will all inexorably lead to a forced population correction - In fact... one is probably more necessary ...whether we control that ... or, it happens to us, in spite of us. I hope we're right. These 'warnings' ...they are now being met with a growing database of empirical evidences... And I argue that is the impetus behind this ... call it evolving sentiment we're discussing - for now I'm only giving it that much. 40 C at 40 N in Europe's developed industrial societies has a way of lifting chins.
  18. there's a boundary poorly or non-analyzed extending wsw to ene somewhere between our latitudes... It was 88/67 here out runnin' errands ... Prolly 82/66 or something by the feel of it now
  19. We're hotter than normal around here and any record breaking is always edging out to do it... for the most part. How come we are not "smashing" them...like they do every else in the world. Put up a 108 at Logan or go f itself... This protecting the biggest environmental pig culture from first hand account of their own shit is really annoying... Norwegians don't deserve it... we do.. just sayn' .... What's going on is that we're barely breaking climate temperatures monthly this and that... but just packing in a lot high nocturnal lows with 93 uninspired days
  20. When I was 10 years old I was balancing along a felled log in the woods behind the house/ Unbeknownst ...what was once hollowed was full of European honey-bees ... Foot punches through, air's a whir with a hideous irate scream...I'm running home in a square-mouthed rage. 14 stings... two of which were on my forehead and my brow line swelled enough to star in a Geico commercial... Oh...and three stings below the waste, above thigh - ...mm hm. Yup. Along with their dead bodies. The rest were back of neck and forearms. Contrary to the fairy tales honey bees are not fun lovin cartoon Disney bugs - I didn't go to the hospital... just sorta hung out on the couch with cold compresses. No reaction beyond anger -
  21. It's a synergistic feedback where they positively re-enforce the others effect/affect - ...
  22. These updrafts are leaners... The vils and mamma bulbs are way out ahead of that activity and rippin' seaward... Too bad there wasn't some lower level shear to go with -
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