I’m with you on that one. A fun story ...it was my 2nd year living in the DC area, and my sister and her friend drove down from CT the day before, as we all planned to drive to Daytona Beach for Spring Break. As the storm approached, we debated on waiting a few days until it passed. But we would have missed part of Spring Break, so late that night we decided to roll. The four of us (my roommate included) piled in my tiny 1985 Nissan Sentra and drove straight through the Superstorm to Daytona Beach. Absolutely crazy. Driving through snow to rain and wind, and arriving to a ruined Spring Break with temps in the 40’s and 50’s most of the week in Daytona Beach. The craziest part was in Georgia where highways were stopped because it was raining so hard, like driving under a continuous waterfall! Never seen anything like it before or since.