GHD Il? I know I cracked that as did Josh? The hard to crack number here is 24 which hasn't been done since 78. 67 was the other which was as someone else noted basically a qpf bomb and thus why such widespread 18+ amounts from IL to MI which is rare in this part of the world and the only reason I don't totally discount the GFS. Chances are slim of that sort of thing but not zero.
If it was the euro of yesteryear I would be punting too. That model and this region don't have a decent record in recent years with winter events.
Tomorrow I'll fire up the old computer to see which model it was that did what the euro is kinda doing at this range with the suppression crap.
Ofcourse this is still a ways out and many things can change.
Figured I would slide on by and see how all was doing. Ofcourse this potential has piqued my interest.
Nice lake effect event! Hard to beat a snowstorm in the city. The whole city is basically transformed from the landscape to the sounds which seem to vanish when the snow really gets going.
And yeah GFS looking solid for alot of us.
That's been my thought. Ofcourse the wind does shit for me anyways and why I would ( without blinking ) take a Jan 67 over Jan 78 anytime for this location. I have seen both back east ( 2 footers ) with and without wind. No wind please!
12z euro destroys Boston .. 18+ line goes almost to ORH! 20+ Boston proper south and to the cape. Even my old hood down the coast ( MD/DE beaches ) gets a foot!
Was expected to go off of Hattaras and keep it mostly snow from about the DE/MD line north on the Delmarva. Even had blizzard watches and warnings ( expectations was for around 2 feet with some calls as high as 3 feet ) up till it arrived but were quickly replaced/downgraded to winter storm warnings and even winter weather advisories at the beaches. Got a couple on the front end and about 6 on the back side. Temps cracked 60 and if i recall right we even ended up with a tornado watch? Surface low tracked right across the mid part of the Delmarva and off the DE coast i do believe?
A number of people who helped create this place was around then on a forum called WWBB. I joined that place ( browsed it for a few months prior ) right after this bust. A couple of days leading up to it they were saying 1-2 feet at the DE coast ( Delmarva-where i lived at the time ) with blizzard conditions and started to back off the day of but never did back off enough. I remember watching the radar as the precip developed over the ocean/Delmarva and i knew it was gonna bust. Got about 2 inches or so?
This one never really bothered me like March 93 did which was a huge bust there at the coast.