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Everything posted by Harry

  1. I actually left the Euro people a question about it. I am just not buying it as is. Upper levels or SLP placement is off which means snowfall totals are off. A matter of which? Most of them show nearly the same upper level features which suggests to me the slp placement is off along with snowfall totals. Jmho
  2. 06z euro still on that bs with the slp way out ahead of upper level features etc..
  3. It would be 12+ from just south of the border on north.
  4. It wouldn't be the first time in the past ten years or so. If that SLP track etc ( upper level features ) hangs on watch totals go up all the way back to Chicago in future model runs. 972mb and dropping on the thumb I'll take.
  5. It atleast made a bit more sense with upper level features and slp sliding up from near Detroit to the thumb etc..
  6. Just lose that northern bs and all will be good for most..
  7. Thankfully back then the big storms were hitting and kinda followed me to the coast and thus see 87-88, 89, etc. Not gonna lie but part of me will take the wind but with 18+ amounts to see how people respond around here vs back there.
  8. I remember the east coast 78 blizz. I was in Philly when it hit but had to go back home to DC.. Woke up thinking not going anywhere and then my crazy ass uncle showed up. Ugh. So yeah I got to spend a part of that crawling on i95 back to DC. The snow let up just before we hit Baltimore.. Thankfully PD I made up for it a year later.
  9. Amazing thing about the watch here ( GRR ) is who did it here. They are usually on the conservative side.
  10. No it doesn't.. I mean it could happen but that would mean the models are screwing the pooch with the upper level features etc.. Really have not paid enough attention to know which it is the models are screwing with? Regardless to get better snows ( even Les here ) down this way back to Chicago that northern stuff needs to go.
  11. I dont believe so? 24" I believe is the closest it has gotten since that?
  12. Per the nowdata for here there was 7 on the ground when that hit. Topped out at 30" when the blizzard finished.
  13. Thanks! Hoping that part is wrong as I think it is also keeping snowfall amounts down a bit as well from there to here vs further north.
  14. ???? Is that post you quoted in another thread? I went to look for it in this thread and natta?. **Edit*** I found it.. And yeah you are right I am not a fan of the wind especially not with the kind of cold involved. I enjoy being out in it and the wind makes it hard to do
  15. More then likely outcome but just looking at that and the placement of other features ( 500mb/700mb etc I have a difficult time buying that track that far north? Via the placement of the other features I would expect to see the slp down towards the se part of the state! Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong? Thanks!
  16. Wonder if they are taking into.account the winds which could cut into.that?
  17. Desperate times desperate measures. I still peak at it.
  18. Well for GRR atleast they have passed on issuing a watch with this mornings package. Strong wording in afd but that's it. I would have waited for the 12z runs so yeah I am guessing that is what they may be doing?. Btw.. With the stronger winds the heavier Les should be inland a bit like we saw in November. I love the snow but those damn winds. Have lucked out with the wind part so I guess my luck may have run out on that atleast..
  19. Yep. Agree. And I don't blame GRR for waiting either. I admit I would be hesitant to issue one with the morning update. If they do go with one I wouldn't blame them either. I just am not trusting anything yet. Alot can change with this sort of thing still 72hours out as we have all seen before.
  20. Yeah.. See my reply above.lol Too bad it's trending weaker with the eastward shift.. ugh
  21. Just saw another image. See let's talk winter thread. Just north of Sandusky over the lake..
  22. And that doesn't even take into account LES following it.
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