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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. In the moderate zone at 102. Lets see if it can get better or we maintain
  2. some light to moderate stuff over the area...next panel will tell the tale...
  3. So, if I'm being honest, the H5 look now vs 12z seems a little degraded. I'm not calling anything, so don't yell at me. Just saying what it shows.
  4. Obviously no big changes so far. Can we just all agree that the bar is double digits? Let's just do that. if we can get 10, we win
  5. It's an ugly run. Disaster. Horrific. Sorry guys.
  6. If the GFS ticks S and E, I'm abandoning this forum until prob 6z tomm. No joke. The amount of meltdowns....ooooo If I stayed, the abuse of power would be legendary.
  7. ICON is def a tick S and E of position at 12z so far, but we still get snow up to us
  8. Kinda iffy about it. Might go see it next weekend. Love the Equalizer stuff too. Still waiting for a sequel to my cult favorite: Nobody.
  9. She's always been like that. There's nothing wrong with not liking snow, but why come into the forum DURING WINTER and crow disdain about snow on a board centered around....snow.
  10. Definitely a good idea to brag about a storm 96 hours away. Congrats on your HECS man.
  11. You are surprisingly well and relatively upbeat. Are you ok?
  12. I guess I can see why people spook easy here, but the way this storm keeps windshield wipe-ring should make people pause and at least wait for a clear trend either way.
  13. Huh? We get 18-24" snowstorms here at least once, twice a winter.
  14. What the fuck is wrong with us when there's gnashing of teeth at.... a foot of snow? Did our latitude change and nobody told me?
  15. Sadly, I don't think they do Blizzard Watches anymore. Maybe mets here can confirm?
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