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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Prince George's county schools closed tomorrow. Come on DC
  2. I'm on the 10th floor and it felt pretty scary. I was writing up a knowledge base on Outlook, etc when I looked up and felt a small vibration at first then I looked around at everybody else looking around with a WTF look on their faces, lol. Then it got worse, I looked outside the windows and saw the windows in the surrounding buildings starting to shake and then the big shake, sort of sideways and my boss came hauling ass out of her office and everybody started running to the stairwell. The last shake got me and my heart starting pounding. Like I said..to those in earthquake areas, I guess its not a big deal and it may seem like we're blowing this out of proportion..but you gotta realize..most here have NEVER felt that before.
  3. I hope yall are closed tomorrow. Makes my job a lot easier. DCPS teachers returning is KILLING my call center. Started last week...oy
  4. This is the 2009-2010 season of earthquakes.
  5. Prince William County schools closing until March, 2012.
  6. We should have had the eq during Irene
  7. Well ****. That's my gym on the third level. Oy
  8. Is that th target/best buy building?
  9. I never want to feel that again. Seriously. Moderate, violent, I don't are what you want to call it, I'm not hung up on that. All I know is it scared the shot out of me as our entire office on the 10th floor shook. We hauled ass out of that building. Downtown us a mess (traffic wise). For this area, this was pretty big.
  10. I wasn't aware that I saw your white ass ever? Now as far as seeing you, we should meet in da city!!

  11. I would think this would have the opposite effect of your warning? I think there will probably be many more people who will switch to meteorology now.
  12. I will hold you until the rivers run dry

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