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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Perfect timing, after dark. We can start getting into faster accums
  2. Damn. Just got downtown. Roads have folded quicker than me telling Chuck to shut up. Shut up Chuck
  3. I’d like to get to him before noon tomorrow.
  4. No way. Seriously? Now you’re gonna make me look. I’m too scared because I’m white knuckle back seat driving.
  5. Roads have completely caved up here just north of the zoo. I’m in a lyft heading to meet Deck Pics (Matt). . Probably wasn’t the greatest idea since my lyft driver can’t drive worth a shit in these conditions.
  6. Yup. Going to take a break and watch a movie. This place gets pretty sad at times.
  7. No, I'm in Cleveland Park. My bad, I'm significantly further south than Tenleytown. I'm in Waldorf actually.
  8. Chuck, do you have an oven? If you do, I have some suggestions for your computer. First, go preheat the Oven to 500. Once that's done, let me know and I'll give you further instructions. Shut up Chuck.
  9. If the 18z nam shows equal or greater than 12z I will make Ji an admin for 30 minutes.
  10. It’s going to come back down to reality. It can’t sustain such ridiculousness for that long. Trust me.
  11. Lol, what if the Euro matches the 12z NAM. I'd have to shut this place down.
  12. and of course we knew it wasn't going to be 19"...still looking like a good run tho
  13. Only up to 30, but total snowfall has increased on the GFS
  14. There are definitely some red flags going up with this one
  15. Can you imagine this place if the GFS goes NAM-sh* crazy?
  16. Duh, who do you think I've been sending pics to on the regular since the conferences.
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