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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. The Euro says yes...raise the rent because we are going to be there for a long while.
  2. Are we getting into the territory where waves are screwing up other waves? I'm not up for that.
  3. Agree. Despite what it shows verbatim, I liked the run.
  4. So, yeah..the Euro. At this point, I'd take it. Check please
  5. Canadian is a light to moderate event for a good bit of the forum until you get to that bullseye between dc and ric. Yeah, right. Anyway, it's not going to play out like that, but it's another model in the 'interesting" camp.
  6. Regardless of what it shows, the chaos has me interested. Models making radical shifts every 6 hours is far more interesting, even if the end result is rain. ETA: The most interesting thing so far on this run of the GFS is the sudden appearance of a sprawling high pressure in Canada.
  7. GFS has the look of something interesting. Way more than previous run. Look at the difference between this run and 12z
  8. It's most definitely going to be rain along I-95...the cold air is moving out. But it's vastly different solution than the GFS for this period. ETA: Yup, goes to rain, but close. I guess it's something to keep in mind. But I'm like the man who the storm is named for...unless something sig changes, time to go dormant
  9. So the Euro...looks different than the GFS for the chill storm. ETA...192..snow on the doorstep. Dividing line aimed at I-95...in other words..way different than GFS
  10. That's not the bob chill storm Don't do it man. Don't do it.
  11. Dude, I said the same thing when I saw your post. You just posted it, I only thought it.
  12. It won't make any friends. It's a step back. Favorable period. Weeklies.
  13. Yeah, it's an amazing memorial. And you noticed I swapped it out every year around this time! High five brotha. Ok, to be on topic, I think we're cooked for Saturday....although I will be in NYC...unfortunately. I would have cancelled of course if we were going to get anything.
  14. This is a goner, IMO. I'm focused on what you were focused on in the pipeline.
  15. I'm up to 60 hours and the NAM's thermals are vastly different than the GFS, lol. GFS has it raining all the way up to IA. NAM has it snowing down to AR .
  16. Yup..if I saw that and didn't know what came next, I'd be pretty excited.
  17. Looks like western PA is the winner this time on the 12z Euro
  18. It can happen because anything can happen. It won't happen because we live in the Mid Atlantic. You're welcome.
  19. GFS is trying. Still not there for the cities, but every run gets a bit closer. We might have a legit event to track.
  20. That's a hell of a set up. I hope Bob checks the board before it's gone in 12 hours.
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