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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Well, this Sunday thing is looking a little interesting, although I'd like to see colder air in place.
  2. It's still there! But we get the screw! Bidness as usual..carry on
  3. Yeah, appears to be getting colder and colder with each run. Probably a blip.
  4. I have a work workshop from Feb 12 to 16th in South Carolina. I was legit going to wait until next Wed to book the trip, because I was deathly afraid of missing a snowstorm. lol. I'm booking my flight tonight.
  5. So look, I'm not sure if you saw my initial post 2 nights ago. There were people who started to get into the subject of network news and touching politics. They were opposite of your ideology. I asked them to stop and they did. This has nothing to do with your political views. ANYBODY who posts explicit political posts have had them deleted. I've immediately deleted views that have been similar to mine as have other moderators. I've seen it. I've done it. You can choose to believe me or not, that's ok. We don't even allow political avatars here and it's been a rule since 2010 when this board was started. It was a carryover rule from Eastern. I know you believe you are persecuted for your views, but all I can tell you is that's not true here. I would just rather not have this place go into a free for all. This is a place of weather and science. This is where I, and I suspect most others, come to get away from all of that. Let's keep this place neutral and politics free. If you'd like, there is a subforum for that as was pointed out before. Thanks.
  6. Wow why can't we get the front to clear from the midweek storm. That's most depressing thing I've seen this year Bitch ass SE Ridge
  7. I honestly thought that one had a chance, lol. How stupid of me
  8. Don't you all love the little cute 999 low the Euro has on the NC Coast in a spot that would normally be great for us? That tight precip shield just warms the heart.
  9. What the hell is happening in here?
  10. This man might have successfully bribed an admin with a simple post.
  11. Can I ask a favor? I know this is banter and any other time, I'd say carry on. But this latest round of discussion is teetering dangerously toward politics and I kinda want to keep that off the weather side, especially during these times. This is the one place I (and probably a lot of others) come to seek refuge from all of that noise. We all have political beliefs, and most people know mine, but I don't bring it up here because like I said...we want to keep this an oasis, free from that highly divisive topic. If you want to talk politics, we do have a subforum for that (Americanpol.com). This is not pointing the finger at any of you. I'm just trying to head it off before this gets out of control. Less talk about something less acrimonious, like our fantastic winter. Wait.....maybe politics isn't such a bad topic.
  12. The thing with this 10 day storm...it might have legs...it's showing up on most of the modeling. Also could be another head fake where it looks like a winter storm until we see the whites of its eyes.
  13. So you mean to tell me that we have something that looks like a 50/50 and it still rains.
  14. We can't even get a 10 day digital snow right. The 6z beauty just slid south. Still early to give up on winter though.
  15. We all hope it happens. But in this winter, I would be surprised if it did. Odds are that Something’s gonna catch us.
  16. At some point, we have to realize that no matter what the track is, we are missing a key ingredient. It's going to be tough to get a snowstorm without cold air.
  17. So GFS may be about to pull something here. H5 is a bit more amped than previous runs
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