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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Yeah, this is def helping your case. Hour 336. When models couldn’t even get 144 hours right.
  2. They apply. To us specifically. After clocks go forward, we’re on a fast track to over. Accept it now and save yourself heartache man. The time between Posts in this threads grown longer and longer. Read the room. I know folks hate to hear it, but it’s over. We did about as well as we did. I’m down to checking this forum twice per day. That’s how i know it’s over. Sooner you come to terms with it, the better it feels, trust me.
  3. You know you're one of my fav. With that being said, we won't get more than 2" for the rest of this winter. I wished we loved cutters, because we'd be tracking once a week every week, without fail.
  4. This thread went 2 hours without a post today. First time in a while. Good luck on your 360 hour storm. Remember the one that was set up for next week? We'd be like at hour 144 now. How's that going? ETA: Today is the first time in weeks I didn't check the LR until now.
  5. Just saw this. Dude, let it go. For me and the people that run this place. You will open up a can of worms that we just don’t need the headache dealing with. We all come here to get away from that stuff. I hear you man and you have a point, just not here please. Wxtrix has a forum you can voice your opinions about certain people. I’m as angry as you are, but I’m not gonna tear down the playground because of it.
  6. Probably not gonna happen. I know people think I’m reverse psychology or whatever but I genuinely think it’s over for us. Justice delayed is justice denied. Things are gonna keep getting pushed back. That last chase took a lot out of me man. I’m ready to move on. Of course I want more snow and I’ll gladly track some g inside 4 days. But we’re getting to the point where weenies are gonna start taking about sun angle non stop. Meh.
  7. Dial it back yall. Already making me nervous. lol
  8. We had an Off topic section for it, but it got too much to manage. You can discuss limited stuff like impacts to you and what not, but no cheering or assailing political people. No sloganeering or wading into deeper politics. As long as yall can handle that, I’m cool with it. Just talk about YOU and what you are going thru. That’s it.
  9. Yeah. I probably should apologize since I think it was my post that kicked this off and I definitely didn't mean to. Yall know I hate talking politics over here and my intent was to highlight and focus the incredible misery and suffering happening, especially to my bf's mom. I didn't mention any politician by name, but I can certainly see how it could have been inferred. I was just lamenting how crushed she is. She served her country in the military and now overseas in civil service with exemplary service and now she's just....gone. Was just talkin it out with ol' friends (you all) because it indirectly affects me because now the bf is pretty down seeing his mom so low. It just sucks all around. I also have friends who worked in civil service for decades, just doing their jobs and now face financial anxiety. It just worries me. We need a goddamn snowstorm. Might be a come to Jesus moment for me. And by Jesus, I mean our waiter from last week.
  10. That only works if the heavy snow is over us. In the case, the north trend will return.
  11. No. My spirit is tho and that fucker is traumatized and deflated.
  12. I am shocked by this development. I told you man. Were cooked. I’m hunting for 70s now.
  13. Looks like an android. All he has to do is open the back and swap out the 4 AAA batteries.
  14. It's over most likely. I'm bitter, but I'm observant.
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